Copyright (C) 2020, TomTom NV. All rights reserved.
A library that converts Premium Speed-Profile binary blob data into and from an object.
Premium Speed-Profiles for a single directed segment are stored in a PremiumProfileBlobData
object. This object provides access to (integral) working-day and weekend average speeds and
optionally also contains speeds for multiple time-periods per day for up to 7 days of the week.
The data can be converted from and into an efficiently compressed binary format using the
. The provided conversion methods take a PremiumProfileBlobData
object and create a byte[]
array or vice versa.
Download the code to build a java-library using maven via mvn clean install
or directly
integrate the code into your projects.
The following example initializes a PremiumProfileBlobData
object with binned speeds for each
day of the week. It uses a temporal resolution of 4 hours, i.e. a day is divided into 6 time
periods. (For simplicity, each day is assigned the exact same average speeds per period. This is
for demonstration purposes only and not typically the case in practice.)
// Average speed for week days
int weekdaySpeed = 48;
// Average speed for weekends
int weekendSpeed = 52;
// 4 hour resolution, 240 minutes
int binWidthMinutes = 4 * 60;
// Period from [0 to 4[
double nightSpeed = 60.0;
// Period from [4 to 8[
double morningSpeed = 40.0;
// Period from [8 to 12[
double noonSpeed = 45.0;
// Period from [12 to 16[
double afternoonSpeed = 50.0;
// Period from [16 to 20[
double eveningSpeed = 45.0;
// Period from [20 to 24[
double lateEveningSpeed = 50.0;
// The speeds for a single day
double[] daySpeeds = { nightSpeed, morningSpeed, noonSpeed, afternoonSpeed, eveningSpeed, lateEveningSpeed };
// Initialize the speeds for a whole week of 7 days
double[][] inputSpeeds = new double[7][];
for (int day = 0; day < 7; ++day) {
inputSpeeds[day] = daySpeeds;
// Initialize blob data
PremiumProfileBlobData blobData = new PremiumProfileBlobData(weekdaySpeed, weekendSpeed,
PremiumProfileBlobData.arrayToSpeedsAccessor(inputSpeeds), binWidthMinutes);
The data inside the blob data object can easily be converted into the highly compressed binary byte array:
PremiumProfileBlobConverter pspBlobConverter = new PremiumProfileBlobConverter();
byte[] binaryBlob = pspBlobConverter.toBinaryBlob(blobData);
Similarly, the binary blob data can be decoded back into a PremiumProfileBlobData
PremiumProfileBlobData convertedBlobData = pspBlobConverter.fromBinaryBlob(binaryBlob);
Several accessors allow to infer the contained speed information from the blob data object.
System.out.println("Resolution: " + blobData.getTimeResolutionMinutes());
System.out.println("Week Day Speed: " + blobData.getWeekDaySpeed());
System.out.println("Week End Speed: " + blobData.getWeekendSpeed());
for (int day = 0; day < 7; ++day) {
System.out.println("Day " + day + " Speeds: " + Arrays.toString(blobData.getDaySpeedsAsArray(day).orElse(new double[] {})));
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mvn clean verify
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.