This is an example of how to use MDBs in TomEE with ActiveMQ
- Install Java SDK
- Install Maven
mvn install
This example requires the installation of the TomEE Plume server, the ActiveMQ 5 broker, and a command line to run both maven builds and to run a standalone Java application, the
The purpose of this example is to demonstrate how MDBs can receive messages from outside the TomEE server and how MBDs can cooperate across Topics and Queues to message each other creating a flow of logic from one MBD to the next.
Download and un-package the the ActiveMQ 5 binary and run the following command to get it started.
$ bin/activemq console
Download, un-package the TomEE Plume binary distribution.
Copy the tomee.xml and files into the tomee/conf directory overwriting the existing files.
Copy the SpiderEAR.ear into the tomee/webapps directory
Start the TomEE application server using the following command.
$ bin/ run
Open a console windows to this directory and run the following Maven build command
$ mvn clean install
Start the Producer Java application.
$ java -cp target/jms-example-SNAPSHOT.jar example.Publisher
At the message prompt type in a web URL (e.g.
Watch the output from the TomEE console and see all of the image and page links printed out in Blue, Orange, and Green.