Breadline is a suite of geospatial web applications produced as part of Hong Kong FoodWorks.
Map of bakeries in Feeding Hong Kong Bread Run events, and lists their availability for volunteer collection according to Eventbrite tickets for each Bread Run event.
- server: NodeJS + Express
- web: Bootstrap + JQuery + Leaflet
- client side files stored in
To install based on package.json
npm install
Edit eventbrite.config.token
parameter in public/js/eventbrite.js
with appropriate token.
Without token, the app will run but no bakeries will be available on the map.
node app.js
public/data/fhk_bakeries.{csv | geojson}
- pickup locationspublic/data/drop_off.geojson
- drop off location- Geolocation of Bakeries is very coarse
Chrome 50+ requires HTTPS for user's geolocation(we have https)
Open Source. TBC.
Eventbrite paginationEventbrite functions - check if data exists before calling- Check Geocode bakery addresses
Map attributionAdd event details + linkEventbrite User Authentication- Add License file