Monitoring Unifi APs with Zabbix.
These repository holds the original scripts from Sadman and some of my changes (separate branch). The original source can be found in the Zabbix Forum.
- Include the unifi.conf into your Zabbix Agent configuration
- Push the perl miner script to the Unifi Appliance
- Import the XML into your Zabbix templates
- Adjust the Zabbix Macros to use the correct username and password
Command: [-o object] [-i id] [-k key] [-l location] [-s site] [-u username] [-p password] [-v controller_ver] [-a action] [-d debug_level] [-n null_replacer]
-o [ wlan ] Controller object type: `ap` or `wlan`
-i Object ID. These are discovered through LLD
-k metrics key, request a single value
-l [ ] URL of the Controller API
-s [ default ] Unifi site name.
-u [ stat ] username to access the Unifi API
-p [ stat ] password to access the Unifi API
-v [ v4 ] Unifi API version: `v2`, `v3`, `v4`
-a [ count ] aggregation action which sshould be applied to the list of ojects (for example - all UAP): `count`, `sum`;
-d [ 0 ] - debug level 0..3
-n - substitude JSON:null values
./ -o ap
Same thing, but when working with the controller v3, responsible for
./ -o ap -v v3 -l
./ -o ap -k items_num
./ -o ap -k adopted -a sum
- A quick note: some metrics, such as the adopted / isolated / is_guest have
- Boolean nature and their number is calculated by simply summing the values.
./ -o ap -k num_sta -a sum
./ -o ap -i 5523fe519932508ffaf3b404 -k guest-num_sta
./ -o ap -i 5523fe519932508ffaf3b404 -k stat.tx_dropped
./ -o ap -i 5523fe519932508ffaf3b404 -k version
./ -o ap -i 5523fe519932508ffaf3b404 -k vap_table.is_guest -a sum
./ -o ap -d 3> report.txt
The initial scripts, command documentation and command exmaples where provided by Sadman. All credit /copyright/ cheering should go to him.