Templates for project-chef CLI
┣ 📂extras
┃ ┗ 📂extra-package-name
┃ ┃ ┣ 📂init
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜injector.config.json
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜other config files
┃ ┃ ┗ 📂main
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜main files to be copied
┣ 📂init
┃ ┗ 📜index.js
┗ 📂main
┃ ┗ 📜main files to be copied
There are 3 entry points for a framework template, main, init, extras Either main or init is required or both, extras is optional if you want extra packages to be added.
The files here are copied directly to the target
An index.js is required for this directory, the default export of this index.js file is ran while creating your boilerplate in the cli. The init files index.js needs to be in es5 format.
I used this to ran commands like create-react-app, gatsby-cli and nextjs. You can adjust it to your own needs.
Here appears the packages that are optional for the user who selected your framework in the cli to create the boilerplate. Every main directory is a standalone package to be installed.
There are 2 entry points for an extra package, either one is required or both.
The main files of the extra package to be copied to main directory.
This directory is for injecting extra config to the main framework directory For example, you want to add plugins to babel.config.json, install npm packages
For these purposes an injector.config.json is required To install npm packages add package names to the lists:
To alter the main config files the field configs is required this field takes json objects as input,
The field file is the reference config for the Injector API to get the fields that you want to add to target config, config files must be in json format, copy the config file next to injector.config.json
The fields you want to have as reference and target to alter should be appended to field appenders
For example I want to add plugins to babel.config.json,
Add plugins to appenders, this will read the reference babel.config.json's plugins field, and add the plugins to the target babel.config.json
If you want to alter a nested field use . like: field.nested.target
Note: leave the fields empty if not used, all the fields must be present in injector.config.json
Note: to a field, whose value type is a list, the values needed are appended. to a field, whose value type is not a list, the value provided by injector.config.json is replaced with the current value.
Examine the existing templates for further understanding
Please contact me if there is a problem or a question :)
👤 Tolga Erdönmez
- Twitter: @tolgaerdonmez
- Github: @tolgaerdonmez
- LinkedIn: @tolgaerdonmez
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