Website to filter CS tech electives by prerequisites
General Idea: Directed Graph
Nodes: Courses Edges: IsPrerequisite
- Git clone
- Generate your own secret key.
- Add secret key under SECRET_KEY entry in .env (same dir as
- Pip install from requirements.txt
- python3 runserver
- Visit localhost:8000/admin (may require creating own superuser first)
- Git clone
- npm install
- npm start
idea on visualization map style, click on a node to mark as taken, cool animation to show what can be taken next
=== Course ===
- int UID
- str Title
- str Description
- str Link
- str Hours
- List fulfils (e.g. teamwork, swe, ...)
- OutEdges (Prerequisite To)
- InEdges (Requires)
- if same ID, OR operator, else AND operator
- def GetPrerequisites() list of InEdges apply OR to all with same ID apply AND to result of prev and all others return
- def GetCoursesICanTake() 2 ideas:
- Have an IsTaken tag on clientside, if true consider as empty node
- Implement a CanTake for each course and call for all courses
=== Edge ===
- Prerequisite
- Destination UID (only required for JSONifying)
- ID