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Function: game_scoring_plays

toddrob edited this page Jul 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

Get a text-formatted list of scoring plays for a given game

Note: This method is broken as of 7/25/2020 due to a change in the data returned by the schedule endpoint. Please update to v0.1.9 for the fix.

Note: To retrieve the data used to build the formatted text, see Function: game_scoring_play_data.



Print a list of scoring plays from the 4/28/2019 Marlins @ Phillies game

print( statsapi.game_scoring_plays(567074) )

Output (truncated to show only the first and last records):

Rhys Hoskins doubles (6) on a sharp line drive to left fielder Isaac Galloway.   Bryce Harper scores.
Bottom 1 - Miami Marlins: 0, Philadelphia Phillies: 1

Rhys Hoskins walks.   Andrew McCutchen scores.    Jean Segura to 3rd.  Wild pitch by pitcher Tayron Guerrero.
Bottom 8 - Miami Marlins: 1, Philadelphia Phillies: 5