Setup and build modern web applications with Rspack, TypeScript, React, ESLint, Prettier and Vitest all without the need for any configuration at all.
// Create default template in current directory.
npm init now papua
// Initialize default template in 'my-project' directory.
npm init now papua ./my-project
// Initialize JavaScript template in current directory.
npm init now papua . javascript
Replace npm init
with bun create
if you're already living in the future 🚀
The following templates are available:
- default (TS + React)
- javascript (JS + React)
- pwa (TS + React + Progressive Web App) Demo
- website (TS + React + MobX + Stitches)
- serverless (JS + React + Serverless Function)
npm init now papua [destination-directory] [template]
npm i papua
This will automatically adapt your package.json
configuration to work with papua
. When using Bun make sure to add papua
as a trustedDependency as this plugin relies on postinstall to generate configurations during installation.
Builds the application and opens it in the browser. Optionally a port can be set and the --headless
flag won't open the page in a browser automatically.
Run tests if there are any.
Builds the application for production. A production build will only be created if there are no lint errors and all tests have passed.
Lints the code and prints errors.
Builds the production assets and serves them. Can be configured through the papua.serve
property in package.json
see Serve for available options.
Arguments: --open
open in default browser, --port 5000
specify a port.
Eject certain files to allow for more fine grained configuration. If no default values are provided the plugin will prompt for values. The following templates are available:
- HTML (index.html)
- Rspack (rspack.config.js - file cannot be set)
Builds application in watch mode for development without opening it in the browser.
Most of the default configurations can easily be extended. To do that add
a papua
property to your package.json
with the following options available:
"$schema": "",
"name": "my-app",
"papua": {
// Output directory for build files, default 'dist'.
output: 'build',
// Is project written in TypeScript, automatically detected from extension (ts).
typescript: true,
// Does the project include React, automatically detected from extension (jsx, tsx).
react: true,
// Folder for tests with jest, default /test, test configuration enabled if `**.test.[jt]s*` files found inside.
test: 'spec',
// What's the name of the entry file, automatically adds [src/]?index.[jt]sx? file if available.
entry: 'another.tsx',
entry: ['another.js', 'several.jsx'],
entry: { main: './index.js', separate: ['./chunk.js', 'second.js'] },
// Public path where the files are served from, default '.'.
publicPath: '/app',
publicPath: '/', // Enables SPA rewrites to index.html for local development.
// App title used in the template.
title: 'My papua App',
// Configure html file to be generated.
html: { template: 'page.html', filename: 'modern.html' },
// Set favicon, can also be png or svg, will automatically look for icon.png / logo.png (also svg and also inside /asset).
icon: 'my-favicon.ico',
icon: 'logo.png', // Not needed, automatically loaded.
icon: '../logo.png', // Will be copied to project root.
// Disable content hashes added to assets in production build.
hash: false,
// Do not resolve file imports relative to root before modules, e.g. markup/component.js instead of ./markup/component.js.
root: false,
// Create source maps in production builds (
sourceMap: true,
// Passed to serve-handler in serve script.
serve: {
cleanUrls: false
// Entries added to .gitignore in user folder.
gitignore: ['test/fixture'],
// Added to .prettierignore in plugin configuration.
prettierIgnore: ['test'],
// Use browserslist to determine environment or set to es5, es2015, es2022, etc.
esVersion: 'browserslist',
// Additional env variables to inject during build, default includes 'NODE_ENV' and 'PUBLIC_URL'.
envVariables: ['MY_API_TOKEN'],
// Configure cypress front end tests.
cypress: {
defaultCommandTimeout: 6000
// Options for inject-manifest-plugin
injectManifest: {
exclude: ['extension/dist/*']
injectManifest: false, // Disable plugin.
// Added to tsconfig.json, jsconfig.json.
jsconfig: {},
tsconfig: {
compilerOptions: {
removeComments: true
/ index.ts
/ index.jsx
/ index.tsx
If there is a index.ts
/ index.tsx
file available in the root the project will be configured for TypeScript.
/ tsconfig.json
One of these files will automatically be created extending the default configuration. Options added to package.json
will automatically be added. However, additions to the file can also be made manually and committed by removing the file from .gitignore
if desired.
If available papua will look for a HTML template in index.html
and use a default fallback if none is available. Use the package.json
→ papua
→ html
option to configure the template to look for and other options passed to builtins.html
. Run npx papua eject --template html
to place the default template in the root to make your own edits.
A rspack configuration file can be added in the root. This configuration will then be merged with the default configuration. If a function is exported the default configuration will be received with the mode as a parameter. Run npx papua eject --template rspack
to generate an empty rspack.config.js
file in the project root where the configuration can be edited.
import { join } from 'path'
// Custom webpack configuration to merge with papua default configuration.
export default (configuration, isDevelopment) => ({
// Add mock API reusing the Webpack-Dev-Server Express instance.
devServer: {
onBeforeSetupMiddleware: (devServer) => {'/say-hello', async (request, response) => {
hello: 'world',
// Optionally edit the resulting configuration after merging.
// Called once for each configuration object.
export const after = (configuration) => {
// Remove file-loader
configuration.module.rules.splice(2, 1)
// Return edited configuration
return configuration
To deploy a papua to Vercel import the repository and ensure Other Frameworks
is selected as the preset. Then override the build command with npx papua build
and set the output folder to dist