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[FAQ] You ask, we answer!

Tobias Blum edited this page Jan 26, 2019 · 5 revisions

How do I set a static IP for my ESP?

Just uncomment //#define WIFIMGR_SET_MANUAL_IP in definitions.h (20-ish Line) and edit the block below that.

  uint8_t _ip[4] = {192,168,0,128};
  uint8_t _gw[4] = {192,168,0,1};
  uint8_t _sn[4] = {255,255,255,0};

My green and blue colors are swapped... How do I fix the color order?

In McLighting.ino, go to the section that starts with #include <WS2812FX.h>. The default color order is GRB, modify the color order until the strip shows the correct colors (in this example, GRB becomes BRG).

WS2812FX strip = WS2812FX(NUMLEDS, PIN, NEO_BRG + NEO_KHZ800);

I want to use NeoPixelBus, is it possible?

In definitions.h, only use one of the following methods below

  • To use DMA method uncomment #define USE_WS2812FX_DMA, uses GPIO3/RX pin
  • To use UART1 method uncomment #define USE_WS2812FX_UART1, uses GPIO2/D4 pin
  • To use UART1 method uncomment #define USE_WS2812FX_UART2, uses GPIO1/TX pin

Note: PIN argument is ignored when using any of the above methods. Due to hardware limitations, only those pins mentioned here are linked to the corresponding methods.

How can I update the firmware?

You have two choices:

  1. HTTP method (default): Goto http://<IP_ADDRESS>/update and upload the compiled firmware.bin
  2. Arduino OTA: Since this method is not enabled by default uncomment #define ENABLE_OTA in definitions.h. Then you can use port 8266 to upload a new firmware using PIO/Arduino IDE.

I am using Home Assistant, Mclighting can show up automatically on the Dash-board?

All documents to setup Auto-discovery can be found here.
Note that sliders for speed need to be setup correctly, where one can use the light.yaml as an template. If one changes the HOSTNAME (const char HOSTNAME[] = "McLighting01";) in definitions.h, corresponding topics in the automations have to be changed.

I started McLighting for the first time and I get the message 'Couldn't find "/stripstate.json" -> Failure!'

This is no "real error" and normal for the first start. McLighting didn't store the state so far. If you send a command for the first time, this message will disappear.

I uploaded the index.htm file but can't open the webpage.

Try to open http://<YOUR_IP>/list?dir=/ and check the result. This should list all the uploaded files. If you just get "[]" as result, please check your Arduino IDE settings (see here), especially the "Flash size".