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A simple javascript library to create api's for objects.


Given an object, TnT API generates getters/setters and methods on it. Consider the following example: var apijs = require("tnt.api");

var opts = {
    width  : 200,
    height : 500

var my_object = {};

var api = apijs(my_object);

// creates the 'width' and 'height' methods:

// creates checks and transforms on the methods:
    .transform (function (val) {
        return Math.abs(val);
    .check (function (val) {
        return val > 0;

Creates the width and height methods in the given given object. These methods can be used as follows:

my_object.width();  // returns 250
my_object.height(); // returns 800

my_object.width();  // returns 500

Getters / Setters

Getters/Setters can be created by name:

api.getset('width', 200);  // 200 as default value
api.getset('height', 500); // 500 as default value
Methods can also be created using an object. This way allows to access the exposed properties in the object without calling the accessor:
var params = {
    width  : 200,
    height : 500
api.getset(params); // creates my_object.width and my_object.height methods

my_object.width(800); // Set a new value for params.width
console.log(params.width); // 800 
The library also allows to define getters:
api.get('width', 200); // width is a getter with a default value of 200
my_object.width(500);  // throws an error
Getters can also be created using objects:
// creates two getters
api.get ({
    'width'  : 200,
    'height' : 500


The library also exposes the check method to check the passed variables:
api.getset('width', 200);
api.check('width', function (val) {
    return (val > 100);
More than one check can be defined for a method:
api.getset('width', 200);
api.check('width', function (val) {
    return (val > 100);
api.check('width', function (val) {
    return $.isNumeric(val);
Checks can be defined on multiple methods at the same time:
api.getset ({ width  : 200,
              height : 500
api.check (['width', 'height'], function (val) {
    return $.isNumeric(val);
Checks can be defined using the method itself or its name:
var check_numeric = function (val) {
    return $.isNumeric(val);
// These two options are equivalent:
api.check('width', check_numeric);
api.check(my_object.width, check_numeric);
Checks accept an extra argument with the error message:
api.getset('width', 200);
api.check('width', check_numeric, 'Argument should be numeric');
my_object.width({ w:100 }); // Throws 'Argument should be numeric'


api also exposes the transform method to make transformations on the passed values:

api.getset('width', 200);
api.transform('width', function (val) {
    return Math.abs(val);
Transformations are run before checks:
api.getset('width', 200);
api.transform('width', function (val) {
    return Math.abs(val);
api.transform('width', function (val) {
    return val > 0;
my_object.width(-500);  // Doesn't complain
my_object.width();      // 500
Transformations can be defined on multiple methods at the same time:
api.getset ({ width  : 200,
              height : 500
api.transform (['width', 'height'], function (val) {
    return Math.abs(val);
Transformations can be defined using the method itself or its name:
var abs_val = function (val) {
    return Math.abs(val);
// These two options are equivalent
api.transform('width', abs_val);
api.transform(my_object.width, abs_val);
Checks and transformations can be defined directly in the created methods:
my_object.width.check(function (val) {
    return $.isNumeric(val);
my_object.width.transform(function (val) {
    return Math.abs(val);
Checks and transformations are chainable if used via the method interface:
    .transform (function (val) {
        return Math.abs(val);
    .check (function (val) {
        return val > 0;


The library also allows to defined methods (not getters/setters

var method1 = function () {
Methods can also be defined with an object containing the methods:
var method1 = function () {
var method2 = function () {
api.method ({ method1 : method1,
              method2 : method2


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