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Android sample app

Android skeleton to build an app that will access your data on using the Pryv Java library

This sample app contains the code that provides the login to your pryv account on the platform that you will have defined here. For example, when using the demo platform:

public final static String DOMAIN = "";

After signing in your account the app is able to fetch all Events from a Stream and create a text note on the push of a button.


Get the code git clone

Android studio

To use the skeleton app in Android Studio, go to File>open and select the folder that was generated by the git clone. Now run in on your emulated device or Android phone.


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Revised BSD license

Quick integration with another existing Android app

If you already developed your own Android app and you want to integrate Pryv into it, here is a concise procedure to setup the only elements that you will need and in the shortest time.


First of all, you need to include the Pryv Java library in your project.

Using Gradle, just add the following repositories and dependency to your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.Pryv:lib-java:master-SNAPSHOT'

Moreover, do not forget to add the Internet permission in your AndroidManifest.xml as follow:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Login to your Pryv

You will need to copy the following classes in your project: LoginActivity and Credentials.

LoginActivity will handle all the process of account creation and login through a WebView. As soon as a login is successful, a pair of username and token will be stored in the Android SharedPreferences using a Credentials object.

You can load the LoginActivity on the push of a login button for example and check if the user is log by calling the function hasCredentials() from your Credentials object.

Note that you can modify LoginActivity to adapt the domain and app ID to be used:

public final static String DOMAIN = "";
public final static String APPID = "app-android-skeleton";

Interacting with your Pryv

Now, copy AndroidConnection in your project.

This class will create a connection with your Pryv account and handle the creation and manipulation of Events and Streams. For all these tasks, use the singleton that you can get anywhere in your app by calling:


First of all, you need to initialize the connection by providing the credentials previously stored during the login phase:

Credentials credentials = new Credentials(MainActivity.this);
AndroidConnection.sharedInstance().setConnection(credentials.getUsername(), credentials.getToken());

You can then use the following functions:

Create a Stream:

Stream testStream = AndroidConnection.sharedInstance().saveStream("StreamId", "StreamName");

Create an Event:

AndroidConnection.sharedInstance().saveEvent("StreamId", "EventType", "Content");

Retrieve Events:


UI notifications

Creating Events is a first step but you surely want to inform the user when this is done. To do so, you will need to configure your own message Handler, which will be used by the AndroidConnection to notify the UI.

Here is an example of a simple Handler, which will pop the string content of any received notification:

private final Handler notificationHandler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            Bundle b = msg.getData();
			Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, b.getString("content"), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Then, set up the notifications by providing your Handler:


Of course, you need to configure in parallel the triggering of these notifications. This can be done in AndroidConnection by redifining the following callbacks: EventsCallback, StreamsCallback and GetEventsCallback.

Here is an example of callback definition that will trigger the Handler we configured previously to inform the user about the result of an Event creation:

private EventsCallback eventsCallback = new EventsCallback() {
	public void onApiSuccess(String s, Event event, String s1, Double aDouble) {
		Log.i("Pryv", s);

	public void onApiError(String s, Double aDouble) {
		Log.e("Pryv", s);

	public void onCacheSuccess(String s, Event event) {
		Log.i("Pryv", s);

	public void onCacheError(String s) {
		Log.e("Pryv", s);

private void notifyUI(String notification) {
        if(notificationHandler!=null) {
            Bundle b = new Bundle();
            b.putString("content", notification);
            Message msg = new Message();

Further explanations

If you still have misunderstandings when integrating Pryv into your app or if you want to see more concrete examples, do not hesitate to take a look at the sample MainActivity.


Android app for the Ironic++ integration with Pryv






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