NewRelic Alerts Configurator can be used to configure NewRelic alerts for your application. Instead of defining alerts through UI you can define them in code. It allows you to automatize alerts configuration, easily recover them in case of wipe out and have full history of changes in your version control system.
First step is to obtain API key for given NewRelic account. Then You can create configuration. For example:
// Create alert condition
TermsConfiguration above90Percent = TermsConfiguration.builder()
Condition cpuCondition = ServersMetricCondition.builder()
.conditionName("CPU Usage")
// Create email channel for notifications
Channel emailChannel = EmailChannel.builder()
.channelName("Team email")
.emailAddress("[email protected]")
// Create policy
PolicyConfiguration policy = PolicyConfiguration.builder()
.policyName("My application policy")
// Synchronize changes
Configurator configurator = new Configurator("MY_REST_API_KEY");
That's all!
This code creates alert policy that will raise critical alert whenever some-host's cpu usage will raise above 90% in last 5 minutes. Information about alert will be emailed to [email protected]
More examples can be found in newrelic-alerts-configurator-examples module.
In above example we used MY_REST_API_KEY. Details on how to obtain it can be found in NewRelic's REST API docs
Note that for some configurations you will need Admin User's New Relic API key!
Library is available in Maven Central
Detailed list of supported features can be found in newrelic-alerts-configurator module.
This project contains following library useful for developers that monitor their application using New Relic:
- NewRelic API client Client for New Relic rest API
To run tests call:
./gradlew test
To build call:
./gradlew clean build
We encourage you to contribute to NewRelic Alerts Configurator. Please check out the Contributing guide for guidelines about how to proceed.
This product is licensed under Apache License 2.0. For details see license file