"""Python unittest test file generated by Python Package phmutest."""
import unittest
from phmutest .globs import Globals as _phmGlobals
from phmutest .printer import Printer as _phmPrinter
from phmutest .skip import sys_tool as _phm_sys
_phm_globals = None
_phm_testcase = unittest .TestCase ()
_phm_testcase .maxDiff = None
_phm_log = []
class Test001 (unittest .TestCase ):
"""Test cases generated from tests/md/project.md."""
def tests (self ):
# ------ tests/md/project.md:11 ------
with self .subTest (msg = "tests/md/project.md:11" ):
with _phmPrinter (_phm_log , "tests/md/project.md:11" , False ) as _phm_printer :
def greeting (name : str ) -> str :
return "Hello" + "\n \n " + name
print (greeting ("World!" ))
# line 21
_phm_expected_str = """\
_phm_printer .cancel_print_capture_on_error ()
_phm_testcase .assertEqual (_phm_expected_str , _phm_printer .stdout ())
# ------ tests/md/project.md:29 ------
with self .subTest (msg = "tests/md/project.md:29" ):
with _phmPrinter (_phm_log , "tests/md/project.md:29" , False ):
text = greeting ("Planet!" )
text = text .replace ("\n \n " , " " )
assert text == "Hello Planet!" # this assert is in the Markdown example.