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phmutest 0.0.4

Detect broken Python examples in Markdown

  • Command line program checks Python syntax highlighted examples.
  • Equivalent Python library for calling from test suite. | Here
  • Python tools to get fenced code block contents from Markdown. | Here

Treats each Markdown file as a single long example, of many FCBs which continues across multiple Markdown fenced code blocks (FCBs or blocks).

  • Checks either Python code examples plus output or ">>>" REPL examples | doctest.
  • Reports pass/failed/error/skip status and line number for each block.
  • An example can continue across files.
  • Runs files in user specified order.
  • TOML configuration available.

Your Python setup and cleanup

Specify a Python function which is called first before checking examples. Change context, acquire resources, create objects, register cleanup functions. Pass objects as global variables to the examples. Cleans up even when fail-fast. | Suite initialization and cleanup

Some Markdown edits required

No edits required for REPL examples. Remove or use expected-output as the info string on expected output FCBs.


Designated and stable patch points for Python standard library unittest.mock.patch() patches. | Here

Advanced features

These features require adding tool specific HTML comment directives to the Markdown. Because directives are HTML comments they are not visible in rendered Markdown. View directives on GitHub by pressing the Code button in the banner at the top of the file. | Advanced feature details.

  • Assign test group names to blocks. Command line options select or deselect test groups by name.
  • Skip blocks or skip checking printed output.
  • Label any fenced code block for later retrieval.
  • Accepts phmdoctest directives except share-names and clear-names.
  • Specify blocks as setup and teardown code for the file or setup across files.

main branch status

Code style: black

CI Build status readthedocs codecov

Docs RTD | Docs GitHub | Repos | pytest | Codecov | License

Installation | Usage | FILE | REPL mode | Suite initialization and cleanup | Extend an example across files | Skip blocks from the command line | --summary | TOML configuration | Run as a Python module | Call from Python | Patch points | Hints | Related projects | Differences between phmutest and phmdoctest

Sections | Demos | Changes | Contributions

Markdown code/output demo

The are no phmutest directives in this file. The example starts by creating the object m.

from hashlib import sha256
m = sha256()

The example continues here.

m.update(b"hello World")

Expected output here is checked. This fenced code block does not have an info string.


The example continues here. It will continue for the entire file. This is the last Python fenced code/output code block (FCB) in the file.

m.update(b"more bytes")

Note the expected output below is different.

This FCB has the info string expected-output to avoid Markdown linting tool nag. phmutest treats a block with this info string as expected output if it is the first FCB after a Python code FCB.


phmutest command line

phmutest --log

phmutest output

Here is output from the command line. The output produced by Python standard library unittest module is not shown here. This is printed after the unittest OK line.

The lower case "o" after the line number indicates a subsequent FCB containing expected printed output got checked.

args.files: ''
args.log: 'True'

location|label   result
---------------  ------  pass o  pass o  pass
---------------  ------

Markdown REPL demo

  • Run phmutest with --replmode to test Python interactive session FCBs.
  • The REPL FCB's start with ">>>".
  • No Markdown edits needed. Tests examples the way they were written.
>>> a = "Greetings Planet!"
>>> a
'Greetings Planet!'
>>> b = 12
>>> b

Example borrowed from Python Standard Library fractions documentation.

>>> from fractions import Fraction
>>> Fraction(16, -10)
Fraction(-8, 5)
>>> Fraction(123)
Fraction(123, 1)
>>> Fraction()
Fraction(0, 1)
>>> Fraction('3/7')
Fraction(3, 7)

Here we show names assigned in prior FCBs are still visible.

>>> b
>>> Fraction('3/7')
Fraction(3, 7)

phmutest --replmode command line

phmutest --replmode --log

phmutest --replmode output

args.files: ''
args.replmode: 'True'
args.log: 'True'

location|label  result
--------------  ------  pass  pass  pass  pass
--------------  ------

See list of demos See How it works


python -m pip install phmutest
  • No dependencies since Python 3.11. Depends on tomli before Python 3.11.
  • Pure Python. No binaries.
  • It is advisable to install in a virtual environment.


phmutest --help

usage: phmutest [-h] [--version] [--skip [TEXT ...]] [--fixture DOTTED_PATH.FUNCTION]
                [--share-across-files [FILE ...]] [--setup-across-files [FILE ...]]
                [--select [GROUP ...] | --deselect [GROUP ...]]
                [--config TOMLFILE] [--replmode]
                [-g OUTFILE] [--progress]
                [--sharing [FILE ...]] [--log] [--summary]
                [FILE ...]

Detect broken Python examples in Markdown. Accepts relevant unittest options.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  Markdown input file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --skip [TEXT ...]     Any block that contains the substring TEXT is not tested.
                        Function run before testing.
  --share-across-files [FILE ...]
                        Shares names from Markdown file to later positional files.
  --setup-across-files [FILE ...]
                        Apply Markdown file setup blocks to files.
  --select [GROUP ...]  Select all blocks with phmutest-group GROUP directive for testing.
  --deselect [GROUP ...]
                        Exclude all blocks with phmutest-group GROUP directive from testing.
  --config TOMLFILE     .toml configuration file.
  --replmode            Test Python interactive sessions.
  -g OUTFILE, --generate OUTFILE
                        Write generated Python or docstring to output file or stdout.
  --progress            Print block by block test progress. File by file in --replmode.
  --sharing [FILE ...]  For these files print name sharing. . means all files.
  --log                 Print log items when done.
  --summary             Print test count and skipped tests.
  --report              Print fenced code block configuration, deselected blocks.
  • The -f option indicates fail fast.


The Markdown files are processed in the same order they are present as positional arguments on the command line. Shell wildcards can be used. Be aware that the shell expansion and operating system will determine the order.

REPL mode

When --replmode is specified Python interactive sessions are tested and Python code and expected output blocks are not tested. REPL mode tests are implemented using doctest. The option --setup-across-files and the setup and teardown directives have no effect in REPL mode. --progress has file by file granularity.

Suite initialization and cleanup

For background refer to definitions at the top of unittest. Use --fixture to specify a Python initialization function that runs before the tests. It works with or without --replmode, but there are differences. In both modes, the fixture function may create objects (globs) that are visible as globals to the FCBs under test. In the event of test errors orderly cleanup/release of resources is assured. For Python code blocks the fixture may register cleanup functions by calling unittest.addModuleCleanup(). In REPL mode the fixture function optionally returns a cleanup function.

  • The fixture can acquire and release resources or change context.
  • The fixture can make entries to the log displayed by --log.

Specify the --fixture function as a relative dotted path where / is replaced with .. For example, the function my_init() in the file tests/ would be specified:

--fixture tests.myfixture.my_init

The function is passed keyword only arguments and optionally returns a Fixture instance. The keyword arguments and return type are described by src/phmutest/ The fixture file should be in the project directory tree. Fixture demos:

When calling phmutest from Python, mock.patch() patching would typically be implemented as enclosing with statements.

When invoking phmutest from a shell, the --fixture function can be used to install patches. See example near the end of tests/ and in tests/ The example shows how to patch to apply doctest optionflags in --replmode. Do patching cleanup when not in --replmode by calling unittest.addModuleCleanup(stack.pop_all().close).

Dotted path details

The fixture function must be at the top level of a .py file.

  • The dotted_path has components separated by ".".
  • The last component is the function name.
  • The next to last component is the python file name without the .py suffix.
  • The preceding components identify parent folders. Folders should be relative to the current working directory which is typically the project root.

Extend an example across files

Names assigned by all the blocks in a file can be shared, as global variables, to files specified later in the command line. Add a markdown file path to the --share-across-files command line option. The 'shared' file(s) must also be specified as a FILE positional command line argument.

Skip blocks from the command line

The skip --skip TEXT command line option prevents testing of any Python code or REPL block that contains the substring TEXT. The block is logged as skip with --skip TEXT as the reason.

summary option

The example here shows --summary output.

TOML configuration

Command line options can be augmented with values from a [tool.phmutest] section in a .toml configuration file. It can be in a new file or added to an existing .toml file like pyproject.toml. The configuration file is specified by the --config FILE command line option.

Zero or more of these TOML keys may be present in the [tool.phmutest] section.

TOML key Usage option TOML value - double quoted strings
include-globs positional arg FILE list of filename glob to select files
exclude-globs positional arg FILE list of filename glob to deselect files
share-across-files --share-across-files list of path
setup-across-files --setup-across-files list of path
fixture --fixture dotted path
select --select list of group directive name
deselect --deselect list of group directive name

Only one of select and deselect can have strings.

  • globs are described by Python standard library pathlib.Path.glob().
  • Any FILEs on the command line extend the files selected by include-globs and exclude-globs.
  • Command line options supercede the keys in the config file.
  • See the example tests/toml/project.toml.

Run as a Python module

To run phmutest as a Python module:

python -m phmutest --log

Call from Python

Call phmutest.main.command() with a string that looks like a command line less the phmutest, like this: "md/ --replmode"

  • A phmutest.summary.PhmResult instance is returned.
  • When calling from Python there is no shell wildcard expansion.
  • The --fixture function can be in the same Python file. Caveat: The Python file is imported again to a new module object. The Python file's module level code will be run a second time.
  • Call from pytest to get overall result as Junit XML | Suggestion

Example | Limitation

Patch points

Feel free to unittest.mock.patch() at these places in the code and not worry about breakage in future versions. Look for examples in tests/

List of patch points

patched function purpose Add directive aliases
phmutest.fenced.python_matcher() Add detect Python from FCB info string Change detect expected output FCB info string
phmutest.session.modify_docstring() Inspect/modify REPL text before testing Inspect/modify DocNode detected in Markdown


  • Since phmutest generates code, the input files should be from a trusted source.
  • The phmutest Markdown parser finds fenced code blocks enclosed by html <details> and </details> tags. The tags may require a preceding and trailing blank line to render correctly. See example at the bottom tests/md/
  • Markdown indented code blocks (Spec section 4.4) are ignored.
  • A malformed HTML comment ending is bad. Make sure it ends with both dashes like -->.
  • A misspelled directive will be missing from the --report output.
  • If the generated test file has a compile error phmutest will raise an ImportError when importing it.
  • Blocks skipped with --skip and the phmutest-skip directive are not rendered. This is useful to avoid above import error.
  • In repl mode no skipped blocks are rendered.
  • Try redirecting --generate - standard output into PYPI Pygments to colorize the generated test file.
  • pytest will run a generated test file (--generate TESTFILE). pytest won't run functions added by unittest.addModuleCleanup().

Related projects

  • phmdoctest
  • rundoc
  • byexample
  • sphinx.ext.doctest
  • sybil
  • doxec
  • egtest
  • pytest-phmdoctest
  • pytest-codeblocks

Differences between phmutest and phmdoctest

  • phmutest treats each Markdown file as a single long example. phmdoctest tests each FCB in isolation. Adding a share-names directive is necessary to extend an example across FCBs within a file.
  • Only phmutest can extend an example across files.
  • phmutest uses Python standard library unittest and doctest as test runners. phmdoctest writes a pytest testfile for each Markdown file which requires a separate step to run. The testfiles then need to be discarded.
  • phmdoctest offers two pytest fixtures that can be used in a pytest test case to generate and run a testfile in one step.
  • phmutest generates tests for multiple Markdown files in one step and runs them internally so there are no leftover test files.
  • The --fixture test suite initialization and cleanup is only available on phmutest. phmdoctest offers some initialization behaviour using an FCB with a setup directive and its --setup-doctest option and it only works with sessions. See phmdoctest documentation "Execution Context" section for an explanation.
  • phmutest does not support inline annotations.