This is the backend "changes worker" for the deepstyle-ios app.
Sync Gateway provides the REST api, and Couchbase Server provides the persistence layer.
- Sync Gateway changes listener to track the number of unprocessed jobs
- When new jobs are detected, publishes stats to CloudWatch
- CloudWatch Alarms cause AWS EC2 instances with GPU processors to spin up
- Look for unprocessed jobs
- Invoke neural-style to apply the artistic style to the photograph
- Update job with results, which will sync down to the deepstyle-ios app
- Kick off Sync Gateway running this config
- Kick off ami
(private AMI at the moment, stay tuned) - Run
deepstyle follow_sync_gw --url
- Use Paw/Curl to upload images
- NOT_READY_TO_PROCESS (no attachments yet)
- READY_TO_PROCESS (attachments added)
- BEING_PROCESSED (worker running)
- PROCESSING_SUCCESSFUL (worker done, added result attachment)
- PROCESSING_FAILED (worker done, added error msg)
- For each change where type=job and state=READY_TO_PROCESS:
- Change state to BEING_PROCESSED and update doc
- Download attachments to temp files
- Kick off exec and tell it to store result in a temp file
- Wait for exec to finish
- Add new attachment to doc with result
- Change state to PROCESSING_SUCCESSFUL (or failed if exec failed)
- Delete temp files
cobra add publish_cloudwatch_metrics
$ aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy --policy-name deepstyle-scalout --auto-scaling-group-name DeepStyle --scaling-adjustment 1 --adjustment-type ChangeInCapacity --profile tleyden
$ aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy --policy-name deepstyle-scalein --auto-scaling-group-name DeepStyle --scaling-adjustment -1 --adjustment-type ChangeInCapacity --profile tleyden
$ aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name AddCapacityToProcessDeepStyleQueue3 --metric-name NumJobsReadyOrBeingProcessed --namespace "DeepStyleQueue" --statistic Average --period 60 --threshold 1 --comparison-operator GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold --evaluation-periods 1 --alarm-actions $SCALE_OUT_ARN --profile tleyden
$ aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name RemoveCapacityToProcessDeepStyleQueue3 --metric-name NumJobsReadyOrBeingProcessed --namespace "DeepStyleQueue" --statistic Average --period 60 --threshold 0 --comparison-operator LessThanOrEqualToThreshold --evaluation-periods 1 --alarm-actions $SCALE_IN_ARN --profile tleyden