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cl-spark generates a sparkline string for a list of numbers. It is a common lisp implementation of Zach Holman's spark and Gil Gonçalves' vspark with little extension.

The goal of cl-spark is quick data visualization for:

  1. quick-and-dirty tasks (e.g. check the number of http-requests, github-commits, temperature, etc.),
  2. deciding whether the data is worth to real data mining (e.g. monitoring Fukushima Nuclear Power Station),
  3. grasping the secret aesthetic beauty (e.g. visualizing the fibonacci sequence, you can feel the golden ratio).


  • The character encoding of cl-spark must be utf-8. If your lisp is clozure, you need command-line option $ ccl -K utf-8 when you start lisp on the shell.


  • NIL


cl-test-grid results:


  1. CL-REPL> (ql:quickload :cl-spark)


  1. SHELL$ git clone
  2. CL-REPL> (push #p"/path-to-cl-spark/cl-spark/" asdf:*central-registry*)
  3. CL-REPL> (ql:quickload :cl-spark) or (asdf:load-system :cl-spark)


;;; Spark

(spark '(1 1 2 3 5 8)) => "▁▁▂▃▅█"

;; float, minus
(spark '(1 0 1 0))    => "█▁█▁"
(spark '(1 0 1 0 .5)) => "█▁█▁▄"
(spark '(1 0 1 0 -1)) => "█▄█▄▁"

;; min, max
(spark '(0 30 55 80 33 150))                 => "▁▂▃▅▂█"
(spark '(0 30 55 80 33 150) :min -100)       => "▃▄▅▆▄█"
(spark '(0 30 55 80 33 150) :max 50)         => "▁▅██▅█"
(spark '(0 30 55 80 33 150) :min 30 :max 80) => "▁▁▄█▁█"

;; key
(spark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (sin (* x pi 1/4))))
=> "▄▆█▆▄▂▁▂▄"
(spark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (cos (* x pi 1/4))))
=> "█▆▄▂▁▂▄▆█"

;; in function
(defun look-bits (n)
  (spark (map 'list #'digit-char-p (write-to-string n :base 2))))

(look-bits 42) => "█▁█▁█▁"
(look-bits 43) => "█▁█▁██"
(look-bits 44) => "█▁██▁▁"
(look-bits 45) => "█▁██▁█"

;; *ticks*
(defvar ternary '(-1 0 1 -1 1 0 -1 1 -1))

(spark ternary)              => "▁▄█▁█▄▁█▁"

(let ((*ticks* #(#\_ #\- #\¯)))
  (spark ternary))           => "_-¯_¯-_¯_"

(let ((*ticks* #(#\▄ #\⎯ #\▀)))
  (spark ternary))           => "▄⎯▀▄▀⎯▄▀▄"

;;; Vspark

;; Life expectancy by WHO region, 2011, bothsexes
;; see.
(defvar life-expectancies '(("Africa" 56)
                            ("Americans" 76)
                            ("South-East Asia" 67)
                            ("Europe" 76)
                            ("Eastern Mediterranean" 68)
                            ("Western Pacific" 76)
                            ("Global" 70)))

(vspark life-expectancies :key #'second)
56                      66                      76

(vspark life-expectancies :key #'second
                          :min 50 :max 80
                          :labels (mapcar #'first life-expectancies)
                          :title "Life Expectancy")
                 Life Expectancy                  
                      50           65           80
               Africa █████▋
            Americans ████████████████████████▎
      South-East Asia ███████████████▉
               Europe ████████████████████████▎
Eastern Mediterranean ████████████████▊
      Western Pacific ████████████████████████▎
               Global ██████████████████▋

;; labels, size
(vspark '(1 0 .5) :labels '("on" "off" "unknown") :size 1)
     on █
    off ▏
unknown ▌

(vspark '(1 0 .5) :labels '("on" "off") :size 1)
 on █
off ▏

(vspark '(1 0) :labels '("on" "off" "unknown") :size 1)
 on █
off ▏

;; auto-scale
(vspark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (sin (* x pi 1/4)))
                             :size 20)
-1.0     0.0     1.0

(vspark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (sin (* x pi 1/4)))
                             :size 10)
-1.0   1.0
(vspark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (sin (* x pi 1/4)))
                             :size 7)

For more examples, see cl-spark/test.lisp

Referece Manual

[Function] SPARK numbers &key min max key

Generates a sparkline string for a list of real numbers.

  • numbers is a data, list of real-numbers.
  • min is lower bound of output, either nil or real-number (default is NIL, the minimum value of the data).
  • max is upper bound of output, either nil or real-number (default is NIL, the maximum value of the data).
  • key is a function for preparing data.

[Special Variable] *TICKS*

A simple-vector of characters for representation of sparklines. Default is #(#\▁ #\▂ #\▃ #\▄ #\▅ #\▆ #\▇ #\█).

[Function] VSPARK numbers &key min max key (size 50) title labels (scale? t) (newline? t)

Generates a vartical sparkline string for a list of real numbers.

  • numbers is a data, list of real-numbers.
  • min is lower bound of output, either nil or real-number (default is NIL, the minimum value of the data).
  • max is upper bound of output, either nil or real-number (default is NIL, the maximum value of the data).
  • key is a function for preparing data.
  • size is a maximum number of output columns (contains label), integer (default is 50).
  • title is a title for data, string or nil. If title is too big for size, then not print.
  • labels is a labels for data, list.
  • scale? is a boolean (default is T). If T, output graph with scale for easy to see. If string length of min and max is too big for size, then not print scale.
  • newline? is a boolean (default is T). If T, output graph with newlines for easy to see.

[Special Variable] *VTICKS*

A simple-vector of characters for representation of vartical sparklines. Default is #(#\▏ #\▎ #\▍ #\▌ #\▋ #\▊ #\▉ #\█).

Author, License, Copyright

  • Takaya OCHIAI <#.(reverse "[email protected]")>

  • MIT License

  • Copyright (C) 2013 Takaya OCHIAI


(spark '(1 1 2 3 5 8)) => "▁▁▂▃▅▇"







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