This Hand-eye_calibration method include FlexBE, and MoveIt!2, which make this whole framework easier for beginner to do hand-eye-calibration, also implement on different platform more faster.
This charuco marker detection is forked from the charuco_detector. And edit it to ROS2 version.
This package requires a system setup with ROS. It is recommended to use Ubuntu 22.04 with ROS humble.
camera SDK and ROS2 package is needed. Here we use Linux Distribution and Realsense-ros
To make sure that program isn't affected by python version, it is highly recommended to use a docker, we have build a environment that all Requirement for this package is build, See the ubuntu-docker on information how to set this up.
# Install MoveIt
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO--moveit
# Clone this hand-eye-cliabtion package, flexbe_engine, flexbe_app, charuco_detector to your workspace
git clone --recursive
# build the workspace
colcon build --symlink-install
# activate the workspace (ie: source it)
source install/setup.bash
Note: MoveIt has been used on over 126 robots by the community, in this automatical hand-eye-calibration method, we chose it to do robot control and motion planning, therefore, user needs to use their own robot and it's MoveIt package. For example, we use Universal Robot 5 e-Series as sample.
Note:In our method we use Realsense camera model and do camera calibration with charuco marker board. No matter what kind of calibration method just make sure you have Distortion parameter and Intrinsic parameter, like we put in directory.
we call Realsense with python, calibrate with charuco marker board, and everything is under FlexBE. If you want to use, call FlexBE:
ros2 launch flexbe_app flexbe_full.launch
Then, press Load Behavior
on the top, and select camera_calibration
in left window.
After this, you can press Runtime Control
on the top, execution window will show:
Before press Start Execution
, parameter pic_num
decide how many calibration picture you will take,
parameter square_size
, marker_size
, col_count
, row_count
means the spec of charuco marker board we use.
parameter save_file_name
can let you change your result file name.
Activate robot and open with MoveIt.
As example using Universal Robot 5 e-Series:
- To start hardware, use:
ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_type:=<UR_TYPE> robot_ip:=<IP_OF_THE_ROBOT> launch_rviz:=false
- To do test with moveIt, use:
ros2 launch ur_moveit_config ur_type:=ur5e launch_rviz:=true
Note:Here we use Realsense D435i+UR5e, we use whole method with FlexBE and ROS2, open camera with ROS2 first:
- Open camera
cd ~/<your ros2_realsense workspace>
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch realsense2_camera rgb_camera.profile:=1920x1080x30
WARN:Here use 1080p as camera resolution, because we use 1080p as camera calibration resolution, if you want to change resolution, need to do camera calibration again with the resolution you change.
- Then launch flexbe_app flexbe_full.launch.
ros2 launch flexbe_app flexbe_full.launch
- Open charuco detector
ros2 launch charuco_detector
- Open visp_hand2eye_calibration server
ros2 run visp_hand2eye_calibration visp_hand2eye_calibration_calibrator
Note: In ros.yaml file we save in charuco_detector/config/
parameter squaresSidesSizeM
is for for charuco board's squares side size, default is 0.0200
parameter markersSidesSizeM
is for for charuco board's markers side size, default is 0.0150
parameter numberOfBitsForMarkersSides
is for for charuco board's markers side size, default is 4
parameter numberOfMarkers
is for for charuco board's markers side size, default is 70
parameter numberOfSquaresInX
is for for charuco board's markers side size, default is 10
parameter numberOfSquaresInY
is for for charuco board's markers side size, default is 14
parameter dictionaryId
is for for charuco board's markers side size, default is 3
parameter image_topic
is for recieve camera image on ROS, default is /camera/color/image_raw
parameter camera_info
is for recieve camera info on ROS, default is /camera/color/camera_info
Must colcon build --symlink-install after edit config file.
Then, press Load Behavior
on the top, and select Manual Hand Eye Calibration
in left window.
After this, you can press Runtime Control
on the top, execution window will show:
Before press Start Execution
, parameter eye_in_hand
decide which calibration mode you want to use,
means how many sample points you want,
, tip_link
means the base coordinate and end-effector coordinate's name,
means the name of save file. move_distance
means the distance of each sample points,
parameter customize_file
, decide whether you want to change save file name or not.
Result will save in install/charuco_detector/share/charuco_detector/config/hand_eye_calibration/