This is the repo for the back-end of the FitKick app. The purpose of this app is to make it easier for people to get/stay fit by helping users find exercises and create workouts based on their needs.
The front-end for this app can be found at:
- VScode
- Heroku
- Python
- Django
- Postgres
- djangorestframework
- psycopg2-binary
- dj-database-url
- gunicorn
- djoser
- django-cors-headers
- whitenoise
- Pages
- Fork and clone this repo
git clone
- Change into this directory
cd fitkick-api
Open in your preferred IDE
Change into virtual environment and install dependencies
pipenv shell
pipenv install django psycopg2-binary dj-database-url gunicorn djoser django-cors-headers whitenoise
- You will need to set up a database to test out this code, try checking out this documentation to get started:
- Open http://localhost:8000 to interact with the Django REST framework admin interface
Feel free to contribute to this app with code or suggestions. If you would like to contribute code - install the app, checkout to a dev branch, play with the code, then submit a pull request.
You can submit an issue on the git repo, or work on a dev branch and submit a pull request with suggested code to fix the bug. Please detail the bug and recommendations for solutions if possible.
You can submit an issue on the git repository detailing your suggestion.
- Enables authentication.
- One to many relationship with Workout.
- One to many relationship with Exercise.
- One to many relationship with ExerciseInfo.
- One to many relationship with Event
- Stores a collection of exercises.
- Many to one relationship with User.
- Many to many relationship with Exercise.
- One to many relationship with Event
- Stores the exercise type and muscles used.
- Many to one relationship with User.
- Many to many relationship with Exercise.
- Many to one relationship with ExerciseInfo.
- Stores user specific information for an exercise.
- Many to one relationship with User.
- Many to one relationship with Exercise.
- Stores an instance of a workout on a day.
- Many to one relationship with Workout
- Many to one relationship with User.
- As a user, I want to be able to create/retrieve/update/delete a workout so I can accurately maintain a list of workouts I like for future reference.
- As a user, I want to be able to create/retrieve/update/delete an exercise so I can accurately maintain a list of exercises I like for future reference.
- As a user, I want to be able to see other users' workouts and exercises so I can get ideas for workouts and exercises I can do.
- As a user, I want to be able to search for exercises based on different criteria so I can get ideas for exercises I can do.
- As a user, I want to be able to login so that the workouts and exercises I create can only be changed or deleted by me.
- As a user, I want to be able to save certain information for exercises (ie notes, sets, reps, weights, etc.) that are exclusive to me even if I didn't create that exercise so that I can effectively track my experiences with those exercises.
- As a user, I want to be able to look back at past workouts so that I can see my progress and possibly make adjustments to my workouts.
- As a user, I want to be able to connect with other users so that I can feel a sense of community that can help keep me accountable.