A hyde plugin for data driven page generation.
- hyde.ext.plugins.meta.MetaPlugin
# load plugin
- dataproxy.DataproxyPlugin
# data proxy configurations
# specify the data file path. glob style is allowed here.
# path should be absolute or relative from site path.
path: "data/bebop/*.yaml"
# specify template source and relateds.
# template file path. it should be relative from content directory.
template: "profiles/hackers_template.html.j2"
# output file name. jinja2 templating format is allowed.
# you can use data defined in the data file.
filename: "profiles/{{ [ firstname, familyname ] | join('_') }}.html"
# prefix string to access the data in the template.
# in this case, you can access the data through "resource.character".
dataprefix: character
# you can specify the multiple sources.
template: "tables/table_template.html.j2"
filename: "tables/{{ [ firstname, familyname ] | join('_') }}.html"
dataprefix: character
data files
$ cd (Hyde's site path)
$ ls data/bebop/*.yaml
Ed.yaml Faye.yaml Jet.yaml Spike.yaml Vicious.yaml
$ cat data/bebop/Spile.yaml
firstname: Spike
familyname: Spiegel
desc: Spike Spiegel is a former member of the Red Dragon Crime Syndicate. Spike is a ...
$ cat data/bebop/Jet.yaml
firstname: Jet
familyname: Black
desc: Jet Black is a former ISSP (Inter-Solar System Police) detective and is the ...
$ ls content/profiles
$ cat content/profiles/profile_template.html.j2
extends: base.j2
default_block: main
title: bebop character
{% set character = resource.character %}
<h3>{{ character.firstname }}'s profile</h3>
<dd>{{ character.firstname }} {{ character.familyname }}</dd>
{{ character.desc }}
gen command results
$ ls deploy/profiles
Spike_Spiegel.html Jet_Black.html Faye_Valentine.html Edward.html Vicious.html
$ cat deploy/profiles/Jet_Black.html
<h3>Jet's profile<h3>
<dd>Jet Black</dd>
Jet Black is a former ISSP (Inter-Solar System Police) detective and is the ...
command does not works correctly for the data diven pages.gen
command does not create the data diven pages under incremental mode when the data file has been updated.
Requires enhancements of Hyde's core code for the plugin.