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Changes shell's current Node.js version by updating $PATH


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Changes shell's current Node.js version by updating $PATH.

chnode is a lightweight Node.js version switcher that selects a Node.js version for a shell session. The mechanism to do this is by updating the PATH environment variable. Confining version switching to a shell session allows you to run different Node.js versions in many shell sessions simultaneously.

The lightweight design and small feature set makes chnode very fast to load, having minimal negative effect on your shell's init script.

chnode expects that Node.js versions are already installed on your system. It cannot download them for you. Instead, download Node.js binaries manually or use another tool, such as node-build, for the job.

To read more about the design rationale and a comparison to nvm and nodenv, look here.

chnode is inspired by chruby, which is awesome.


  • Selects Node.js version for a shell session by updating the PATH environment variable. Version switching is independent per shell session.
  • Optional automatic Node.js version switching based on the contents of the .node-version file in your project directory, or from another file, specified in the CHNODE_AUTO_VERSION_FILENAME shell variable.
  • Small feature set by design, making the tool very fast to load.
  • Each Node.js version has its own set of global npm packages.
  • Allows accessing man pages for the selected Node.js version and its global npm packages.
  • After switching Node.js version, calls hash -r to clear the hash table for program locations.
  • Best candidate ("fuzzy") matching of Node.js versions at switching.
  • The path to the selected Node.js version is available in the CHNODE_ROOT environment variable. This makes it easy to display the selected version in your shell prompt.
  • Locates installed Node.js versions in the ~/.nodes directory, or from a custom directory read from CHNODE_NODES_DIR shell variable.
  • Add additional Node.js versions by appending Node.js installation paths to the CHNODE_NODES array shell variable.
  • Works with Bash's set -euo pipefail shell options ("strict mode").
  • Good test coverage.


GNU Bash version >= 3.2 or Zsh version >= 5.3



The manual method just downloads the latest revision of script:

curl -L '' >

It's up to you to download the script again to update.


Homebrew tap is available for macOS users:

brew tap tkareine/chnode
brew install tkareine/chnode/chnode

This is the easy way to install just the script and related documentation, and to keep the script up-to-date.

Git clone

Alternatively, clone the git repository:

git clone --depth 1 [email protected]:tkareine/chnode.git

The downside of cloning is that you'll download all the non-essential project files.


Execute the source command to load chnode functions:


You may append the command above into your shell's init script (~/.bashrc for Bash, ~/.zshrc for Zsh) to load chnode for your interactive shell usage.

Automatic Node.js version switching requires additional setup, read below for more.

Configure the prefix path for npm

Consider configuring the prefix path for npm in the per-user npmrc file. It defines the installation location for global npm packages, ensuring sharing the package installations for the Node.js versions you've installed.

An example ~/.npmrc:


Sourcing .bashrc on macOS

(Applies to the Bash shell only.)

macOS does not execute ~/.bashrc automatically when opening a terminal. You might want to add the following line to ~/.bash_profile to fix it:

[[ -r ~/.bashrc ]] && source ~/.bashrc

Available Node.js versions

When shell loads chnode with the source command, the script auto-detects Node.js versions installed in the ~/.nodes directory.

You may override the ~/.nodes directory by setting the CHNODE_NODES_DIR shell variable to point to another directory. Do this before executing the source command. For example:


The value of the CHNODE_NODES_DIR shell variable should point to a directory where you have Node.js installations. For example, if CHNODE_NODES_DIR=~/.nodes (the default):

ls -l ~/.nodes

Output (truncated):

… node-16 -> /usr/local/opt/node@16
… node-18.10.0

The first directory entry, node-16, is a symbolic link that ultimately points to the actual Node.js installation path. The second directory entry, node-18.10.0, is a regular directory containing another Node.js installation.

Sourcing populates the CHNODE_NODES shell array variable with paths to all the entries in the CHNODE_NODES_DIR directory. These paths are the Node.js versions you can select with the chnode NODE_VERSION command.

After installing new Node.js versions or removing them, affecting the contents of the CHNODE_NODES_DIR directory, run chnode --reload to populate CHNODE_NODES again.

For Node.js versions installed elsewhere, add their paths to CHNODE_NODES after running the source or chnode --reload commands. For example:

CHNODE_NODES+=(/opt/node-10.11.0 /usr/local/opt/node@16)

When selecting a Node.js version with the chnode NODE_VERSION command, chnode attempts to match the NODE_VERSION user input to a path in the CHNODE_NODES shell array variable. Matching is done against the basename of the path (the last path component). Upon finding a match, chnode checks that the path is a valid Node.js installation: the path must contain an executable at the bin/node relative path. Continuing the example above, when selecting Node.js v18.10.0 with the chnode 18 command, chnode checks that ~/.nodes/node-18.10.0/bin/node is an executable file. If the check fails, chnode prints an error message and returns 1 as the exit code.

Installing Node.js versions

Use any tool you like to install Node.js binaries.

One good option is node-build. Installing to ~/.nodes:

node-build 10.11.0 ~/.nodes/node-10.11.0

Alternatively, download binaries from the Node.js download page and extract them to ~/.nodes:

mkdir -p ~/.nodes/node-10.12.0 \
    && tar xzvf ~/Downloads/node-v10.12.0-darwin-x64.tar.gz --strip-components 1 -C ~/.nodes/node-10.12.0

You can also use Homebrew to install a Node.js version:

brew install node@16
ln -s /usr/local/opt/node@16 ~/.nodes/node-16

The previous approach relies on Homebrew providing you the symbolic link at /usr/local/opt/node@16, which points to the actual installation path. Homebrew will update that link whenever you upgrade the node@16 formula with Homebrew.

Default Node.js version (without auto switching)

Choose the default Node.js version in your shell's init script, here a 10.x series:

chnode node-10


List available Node.js versions:

$ chnode

Select a Node.js version, here using fuzzy matching to switch to 10.x series:

$ chnode node-10

$ chnode
 * node-10.11.0

$ echo "$PATH"

$ echo "$CHNODE_ROOT"

chnode stores the path of the selected version in the CHNODE_ROOT environment variable.

If no version matches, chnode prints error and preserves the previous selection. Continuing the example above:

$ chnode nosuch
chnode: unknown Node.js: nosuch

$ echo "$CHNODE_ROOT"

While in the shell, install another Node.js version and reload chnode (chnode --reload):

$ node-build 8.9.4 ~/.nodes/node-8.9.4

$ chnode
 * node-10.11.0

$ chnode --reload  # or -R

$ chnode
 * node-10.11.0

Reset the version (chnode --reset), clearing the path that was set in the PATH environment variable:

$ chnode --reset  # or -r

$ chnode

$ echo "$PATH"

Use --reset to use your system's Node.js installation (usually /usr/local/bin/node or /usr/bin/node).

Show usage:

$ chnode --help  # or -h

Show version:

$ chnode --version  # or -V

Automatic version switching

Automatic Node.js version switching is included in the script as an optional add-on on top of The feature detects a .node-version file in the current working directory (or in a parent directory, up to the system root directory), and switches the current Node.js version to the version specified in the file. You'll need to have the specified version installed for switching to happen, otherwise you'll get an error.

To use the feature, edit your shell's init script:

  1. Source and (in this order).

  2. Optionally set the CHNODE_AUTO_VERSION_FILENAME shell variable to name the file used in detecting automatic version switching. The default value of the variable is .node-version. If this is ok, you don't need to set the variable explicitly. For example, to use the .nvmrc files of nvm, set CHNODE_AUTO_VERSION_FILENAME=.nvmrc.

  3. Configure the chnode_auto function to be called in PROMPT_COMMAND (for Bash) or in the precmd_functions hook (for Zsh).

For example:


# Uncomment to set the filename for the version file for something else
# than `.node-version`.

PROMPT_COMMAND=chnode_auto       # if using Bash
precmd_functions+=(chnode_auto)  # if using Zsh

Note that you might already have commands to be evaluated in PROMPT_COMMAND in Bash. In that case, you can choose to:

  1. Wrap all the commands in a single function, calling chnode_auto from inside the function, and set the value of PROMPT_COMMAND to be the name of the function:

    my_prompt_function() {
        # do something else, like set PS1
  2. Include chnode_auto to be called in PROMPT_COMMAND, separating other commands with a semicolon:

  3. Use Bash-Preexec or a similar tool to simulate precmd_functions of Zsh in Bash. For example, with Bash-Preexec:


We don't recommend to call chnode_auto via shell's DEBUG trap, because it makes the shell to call the function too often. For example, Bash executes the DEBUG trap for each command in a command group. In addition, the trap might already be utilized by other shell extensions. To demonstrate the problem with command groups:

# WARNING: Don't install chnode_auto like this, because the function gets called too often
trap '[[ $BASH_COMMAND != "${PROMPT_COMMAND:-}" ]] && echo CALLED && chnode_auto' DEBUG

# Execute a command group
{ echo lol; echo bal; }

To set a default node version for a project, create a .node-version file in the root directory of the project:

echo node-8.1.0 > node-project/.node-version

The first line of the .node-version file should contain a version string that the chnode_auto function uses to select a Node.js version. The function invokes chnode $version, where $version is the first line from the file. This means that fuzzy matching is supported. If no version matches, an error is reported.

You can set the default node version by adding a .node-version file to the root of your home directory. The version you specify in the file will be used unless any of your Node.js projects, located somewhere under your home directory, has their own .node-version file.

Supported .node-version file format

Specifications for the chnode_auto function parsing the version string from the .node-version file are:

  1. The file must be a regular file or a symbolic link, and the current user must have read access to it.

  2. The version string must be in the first line. The line may have leading and trailing whitespace, which get trimmed out. Trailing newline character is not required. Both Unix (\n) and Windows (\r\n) style line endings are supported.

  3. If the version string starts with the v character followed by a digit, then the v character gets trimmed out.

  4. The lines following the first are ignored.

  5. If the first line cannot be parsed (no version string is found), then the file is ignored. No error is reported.

Display current Node.js in shell prompt

You can pick up the selected Node.js version from the CHNODE_ROOT environment variable. An example script to customize shell prompt is in Usage:

$ source
$ source contrib/
tkareine@sky ~/Projects/chnode (node:10.11.0)



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