ukpolice is a Go client library for accessing the api
import ""
Construct a new ukpolice client, then use the various services on the client to access different parts of the API. It is recommended to pass in a http.Client with a longer timeout than default as some responses from the API can take over 60 seconds.
For example:
customClient := http.Client{Timeout: time.Second * 120}
client := ukpolice.NewClient(&customClient))
// list all available data sets.
available, _, err := client.Availability.GetAvailabilityInfo(context.Background())
Some API methods have optional parameters that can be passed. For example:
searches, _, err := client.StopAndSearch.GetStopAndSearchesByForce(context.Background(),
ukpolice.WithDate("2018-01"), ukpolice.WithForce("west-midlands"))
The api sets a rate limit of 15 requests per second. This limit is adhered to automatically by the package.
Contributions are always welcome.