OCR ID Card Indonesia use iOS Vision
iOS 13 and above
Best-iOS-KTP-OCR is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Best-iOS-KTP-OCR'
import OCRforEKTP
# returns KTP Values From Image
let library = OCRforEKTPLibrary()
let ocrResult = library.scanEKTP(image!)
let name = ocrResult.result.nama
let NIK = ocrResult.result.nik
let gender = ocrResult.result.jenisKelamin
let province = ocrResult.result.provinsi
let birthPlace = ocrResult.result.tempatLahir
let birthDate = ocrResult.result.tanggalLahir
let nationality = ocrResult.result.kewarganegaraan
let religion = ocrResult.result.agama
let maritalStatus = ocrResult.result.statusPerkawinan
let village = ocrResult.result.kelurahan
let subdistrict = ocrResult.result.kecamatan
let city = ocrResult.result.kota
let occupation = ocrResult.result.pekerjaan
let address = ocrResult.result.alamat
let rtrw = ocrResult.result.rtrw
# Open EKTP Layout
let ocrViewController = EKTPScanViewController()
ocrViewController.delegate = self
self.present(ocrViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func didScanFinish(scanResult: OCRforEKTP.ScanResult) {
let name = ocrResult.result.nama
let nik = ocrResult.result.nik
tirtavium, [email protected]
Best-iOS-KTP-OCR is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.