A short (0.5kb) jQuery plugin for working with pointer and touch events.
jQuery's event system does not provide event properties related to pointer or touch events on jQuery event objects.
With this plugin, bind to events like pointerdown
and touchstart
and access properties such as pageX
, pageY
, and touches
Pointertouch can be included with your scripts at the end of the body, but Pointertouch supports AMD for javascript module love.
With script tags:
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/plugins/jquery.event.pointertouch.js"></script>
With AMD loader in an anonymous module:
define([ "jquery", "plugins/jquery.event.pointertouch" ], function( $, eventNames ) {
$('.target').on('pointerdown mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
console.log(e.pageX, e.pageY);
// Bind to events as usual
$elem.on('pointerdown', function(e) {
// These properties will be available on the jQuery object
console.log(e.touches, e.pageX, e.pageY, e.clientX, e.clientY);
// Harness the pointertouch feature detection
// to know to which events to bind
// See "The pointertouch export" below for more info on `"names"`
define(['jquery', 'plugins/jquery.event.pointertouch'], function($, names) {
$elem.on(names.down, function(e) {
Type: Object
This is a convenience object for binding your own pointer/touch/mouse events.
define(['jquery', 'plugins/jquery.event.pointertouch'], function($, names) {
// May equal "mousedown touchstart" or "pointerdown" depending on PointerEvent support
// "mouseup touchend" or "pointerup"
// "mousemove touchmove" or "pointermove"
// Note that the events export is available at...
// => { down: '...', up: '...', move: '...' };
Follow the same coding style present in the repo and add tests for any bug fix or feature addition.
See the CONTRIBUTING.md for more info.
0.1.3 (#8/4/14*) Update node dependencies 0.1.2 (3/26/14) Pass along window to the factory. 0.1.1 (3/3/14) Leave the existing mouseHook unaffected. 0.1.0 (3/3/14) First release
Copyright (c) 2014 Timmy Willison. Licensed under the MIT license.