An implementation of Forth in the Charm scripting language.
I’ve followed the spec for Forth I found on this webpage. , except for keyboard input.
ex backtick forth code backtick will execute the given code.
You should use backtick quotes so you don’t have to escape " for Forth.
show followed by either code, stack, mem, vars, consts, defs, output, error, and loopVar will show the relevant aspect of the state of the Forth machine: showall will show all the fields.
Similarly clear followed by any of those things will set it to its original state, and clearall will reset the Forth machine entirely.
Note 1 : show code will only return a non-empty list if execution has failed with an error, in which case it will contain the unexecuted code.
Note 2 : similarly show loopVar will always return NIL: it has an integer value only during the execution of a loop.
Note 3 : clear defs will still leave the built in definitions of ? and +!