This application allows a user to search for books through the Google Books API. There are two views, served by React Router - Search and Saved Books. On the search page, users can type in a search term. Search results are rendered in a list of books containing the title, author(s), a description, and book cover image. Users can view a book, which takes the user to the Google Books information page. Users can also save a book - book informaton will be stored in the MongoDB database. The saved books page renders a list of books that have been saved. Saved books can be viewed or deleted from the database.
The application also implements messaging to alert users when a book has been saved. When one user saves a book, all current users receive a message in the Navbar with the book title and a message that the book has been saved.
AS An avid reader
I WANT to be able to search for and save books
SO THAT I can find new and interesting books to read
- React.js
- Create React App
- React Router
- Material UI
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Heroku
To install dependencies, run the following:
npm i
To run it locally, make sure that the MongoDB server is running on your machine.
npm start
This repository is licensed under the MIT license.
Questions about this repository? Please contact me at [email protected]. View more of my work in GitHub at tiffany-brand