The Laravel Notification Rate Limit package, originally developed by @jamesmills allows for noficiations to be skipped if a certain rate limit has been exceeded (for example, if the last notification was sent too recently).
A user queried whether it was possible to not simply discard rate limited notifications, but instead to wait until the limiter had expired and then deliver the (most recently attempted) notification: see Issue 33. While that use case may be beyond the scope of what Laravel-Notification-Rate-Limit should do, this repo contains a sample implementation demonstrating how the package could be used to facilitate such a system.
This repo is provided for demonstration purposes only. It has not been extensively tested and caution should be exercised before deploying into production code.
- PHP 8.2
- Laravel 11 (although there is no reason this could not be implemented in earlier versions)
- Laravel-Notification-Rate-Limit package (v3.0.0+)
When a notification is being rate limited, Laravel-Notification-Rate-Limit generates a NotificationRateLimitedEvent
This app intercepts that event, and instead of simply discarding the notification, it stores a serialized copy of
the notification and the intended recipient (notifiable) into the database, with a notify_at
dater/time indicating
when the earliest time is that the notification may be dispatched.
Using the Laravel scheduler, once per minute, a dispatch service is executed to check for any notifications that
are waiting to be sent whose notify_at
property is in the past. The most recent of those notifications is
reconstituted from the database, and sent to the recipient. All other past notifications of the same type
are then discarded.
To facilitate testing, an Artisan command is also provided (app:dispatch-deferred-notifications
) to trigger
the dispatch service. To generate test notifications, you can run the app (e.g. with php artisan serve
) and
then visit
This repository contains open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.