This script is no longer supported, if you are interested in the development of this pipeline check one of the following projects: is a script that is intended to allow users to map reads against a plasmid database (provided in indexes folder) . Then, the resulting accession numbers that have a percentage of covered base pairs higher than the specified cutoff value will be reported into a .json file which may be imported by Plasmid Atlas.
It is also possible to map against any reference fasta, since it will automatically recognize the option provided and construct the required index files for that reference you want.
pip3 install plasmiduncover
Download indexes folder and uncompress it.
Second, download the latest release of this script (don't forget to download indexes folder).
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Uncompress the
file. -idx <path/to/indexes_folder> -r <path/to/reads_folder> -t 1 -o test -c 0.6
Note that each read or pair of reads should be inside its own folder within
the path/to/reads_folder/
. This allows the user to run multiple samples at
once, since
will crawl this directory to search for
directories with samples.
For advanced users, you may use -h
for additional
Note: ignore this if you have read the How to install section.
- plotly -
pip install plotly
- termcolor
- bowtie2 (tested for version 2.2.9)
- samtools (tested for version 1.3.1)
You can now simply: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You should provide the path to the directory containing the directories with the reads (.fastq files). For instance if you have something like ~/Reads/sample1/example.fastq
and ~/Reads/sample2/example2.fastq
, you should provide ~/Reads
as the argument for -r
-p, --plasmid - Provide the path to the directory containing plasmid fastas.
-idx, --bowtie-index - Provide the path to bowtie index file
-r, --read - Provide the path to the directory containing reads fastas.
-t, --threads - Specify the number of threads to be used by bowtie2.
-2, --pair - Use this
option if you have paired end reads. Paired end reads just have to be inside
the same folder, without any other files inside it. Structure to read files
should be something like: ./reads/read_folder/<with pairs inside it>.)
-k, --max_align - Specify the maximum number of alignments possible for each
read. This option changes -k parameter of Bowtie2. By default this script will
set -k to the number of fasta files in reference directory (e.g. if you have 3
reference sequences the number of max_align allowed will automatically be set
to 3). So, if you have a single multi-fasta -k will be set to 1.
-o, --output - Specify the output name you wish. There is no need of file
-c, --cutoff - Specify the cutoff for percentage of plasmid coverage that reads
must have to be in the output. This should be a number between 0-1.')
Currently this tool is separated from the main script ( This script is intended to separate reads from plasmids (or other type of sequences that have a database in fasta format) from reads for mixed libraries of chromosomal + plasmid reads.
-p, --plasmid - Provide the plasmid fastas
-r, --read - Provide the path to the directory containing reads fastas
-t, --threads - Specify the number of threads to be used by bowtie2
-o, --output - Specify the output name you wish. No need for file extension!
Output file will be a fasta.
-unmap, --unmapped - By default this script attempts to save sequences
available in the provided read files. If you want to save the reads that do not
belong to plasmids, use this option.
Currently this tool is separated from the main script ( This script compares two json files with coverage percentage per gi (json files retrieved by
-i, --input_jsons - Provide the input json files of interest.
-c, --cutoff - Provide the cutoff value used for the minimum coverage allowed
to be outputed to json files. This value should be equal in both files to compare.