Create your KinD cluster:
kind create cluster --name operators-hands-on
Use the OperatorSDK to create a new operator project:
mkdir -p $HOME/dev/projects/hello-kubernetes-operator
cd $HOME/dev/projects/hello-kubernetes-operator
# obs: if your version is newer than 1.16, you can skip de validation --skip-go-version-check
operator-sdk init --domain --repo
Create a new API and Controller
operator-sdk create api --group install --version v1alpha1 --kind HelloKubernetes --resource --controller
Define your API that is represented in api/v1alpha1/hellokubernetes_types.go
by HelloKubernetesSpec
// HelloKubernetesSpec defines the desired state of HelloKubernetes
type HelloKubernetesSpec struct {
// INSERT ADDITIONAL SPEC FIELDS - desired state of cluster
// Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
Then update the generated code and the CRD manifests by running:
make generate manifests
Now you can install your new API by running:
make install
The controller template file on method Reconcile
at controllers/hellokubernetes_controller.go
The following are a few possible return options for a Reconciler:
With the error:
return ctrl.Result{}, err
Without an error:
return ctrl.Result{Requeue: true}, nil
Therefore, to stop the Reconcile, use:
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
Reconcile again after X time:
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: nextRun.Sub(r.Now())}, nil