The React
component for the cluster layer in the mapbox-gl
The cluster layer has some build-in actions:
- Zoom in when clicking on a cluster.
- Show the spiderifiers when clicking on a cluster which contains the points at same location.
This layer must be rendered inside react-mapbox-gl
Please note that the ReactMapboxGlCluster
should be used together with the React
wrapper of mapbox-gl
e.g. react-mapbox-gl
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import ReactMapboxGl from 'react-mapbox-gl';
import {ReactMapboxGlCluster} from 'react-mapbox-gl-cluster';
import {data} from './data';
const Map = ReactMapboxGl({
accessToken: process.env.MAPBOX_GL_TOKEN,
const mapProps = {
center: [-95.7129, 37.0902],
zoom: [3],
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8',
class App extends Component {
getEventHandlers() {
return {
onClick: (properties, coords, offset) =>
console.log(`Receive event onClick at properties: ${properties}, coords: ${coords}, offset: ${offset}`),
onMouseEnter: (properties, coords, offset) =>
console.log(`Receive event onMouseEnter at properties: ${properties}, coords: ${coords}, offset: ${offset}`),
onMouseLeave: (properties, coords, offset) =>
console.log(`Receive event onMouseLeave at properties: ${properties}, coords: ${coords}, offset: ${offset}`),
onClusterClick: (properties, coords, offset) =>
console.log(`Receive event onClusterClick at properties: ${properties}, coords: ${coords}, offset: ${offset}`),
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Map {...mapProps} onStyleLoad={this.onStyleLoad}>
<ReactMapboxGlCluster data={data} {...this.getEventHandlers()} />
data (object)
Data source for layer. It must to follow FeatureCollection geojson format -
radius (number)
[Optional] Cluster radius, in pixels. -
minZoom (number)
[Optional] Minimum zoom level at which clusters are generated. -
maxZoom (number)
[Optional] Maximum zoom level at which clusters are generated. -
extent (number)
Optional Tile extent. Radius is calculated relative to this value. -
nodeSize (number)
[Optional] Size of the KD-tree leaf node. Affects performance. -
pointClassName (string)
[Optional] The class name of each point. -
pointStyles (object)
[Optional] The class name of each cluster. -
clusterClassName (string)
[Optional] The class name of each cluster. -
spiralComponent (element)
[Optional] The custom component for the spiral. Example usage:const CustomSpiralComponent = ({properties, ...restProps}) => { const onClick = e => { console.log(`Receive event onClick in spiral at properties: ${JSON.stringify(properties)}`); }; return <div className="spiderifier-marker-content" onClick={onClick}></div>; }; ... <Map {...mapProps} onStyleLoad={this.onStyleLoad}> <ReactMapboxGlCluster data={data} {...this.getEventHandlers()} spiralComponent={CustomSpiralComponent} /> </Map>
markerComponent (element)
[Optional] The custom component for marker. Example usage:const CustomeMarkerComponent = ({properties, className, cssObject}) => { const onClick = e => { console.log(`Receive event onClick in marker at properties: ${JSON.stringify(properties)}`); }; return <div className={className} style={cssObject} onClick={onClick} />; }; ... <Map {...mapProps} onStyleLoad={this.onStyleLoad}> <ReactMapboxGlCluster data={data} {...this.getEventHandlers()} markerComponent={CustomMarkerComponent} /> </Map>
clusterClickEnabled (bool) [Optional] Enable/disable zoom on cluster click
onClick (function)
[Optional] Handler for when user on marker -
onMouseEnter (function)
[Optional] Handle when user move the mouse enter a point -
onMouseLeave (function)
[Optional] Handle when user move the mouse leave a point -
onClusterClick (function)
[Optional] Handle when user click on cluster -
onClusterMouseEnter (function)
[Optional] Handle when user move the mouse enter a cluster -
onClusterMouseLeave (function)
[Optional] Handle when user move the mouse leave a cluster
- Upgrading packages
- Upgrading packages
- Removing node-sass dependency
- Fix TS compiling does not
- Upgrading packages
- Upgrading packages
- Upgrading packages
- Support
flag to enable/disable on cluster click event - Bumps depedencies version
- Use caret version for react-mapbox-gl
- Upgrading packages
- Upgrading packages
- Upgrading packages
- Upgrading packages
- Upgrading packages
- Fix bundling issue.
Support custom marker.
const CustomeMarkerComponent = ({properties, className, cssObject}) => { const onClick = e => { console.log(`Receive event onClick in marker at properties: ${JSON.stringify(properties)}`); }; return <div className={className} style={cssObject} onClick={onClick} />; }; ... <Map {...mapProps} onStyleLoad={this.onStyleLoad}> <ReactMapboxGlCluster data={data} {...this.getEventHandlers()} markerComponent={CustomMarkerComponent} /> </Map>
Support custom spiral.
const CustomSpiralComponent = ({properties, ...restProps}) => { const onClick = e => { console.log(`Receive event onClick in spiral at properties: ${JSON.stringify(properties)}`); }; return <div className="spiderifier-marker-content" onClick={onClick}></div>; }; ... <Map {...mapProps} onStyleLoad={this.onStyleLoad}> <ReactMapboxGlCluster data={data} {...this.getEventHandlers()} spiralComponent={CustomSpiralComponent} /> </Map>
- Upgrading depedencies to latest version.
- Upgrade all packages to latest version. These packages include:
- Fix JS error when click on a marker
- Adding the
file - Adding the key
into the.env
file - Starting the server by:
yarn start
- Upgrading the dependencies
yarn upgrade-interactive --latest
- Pull the latest code
- Create a new branch
- Test if the app works after upgrading:
yarn start
- Build the package:
yarn build
- Increasing the package version in the
- Adding the release note in the
- Push the change into Github
- Publish the package into npmjs:
npm publish