Kumade is a command-line program for deploying to Heroku. It aims to provide most of what you want. Unlike other Heroku deploy gems, it is well-tested.
Kumade is deprecated. Please use the Cedar stack on Heroku instead.
Development is happening very fast, and the internals are in constant flux. The
public API is constant (e.g. kumade production
will work), but you may have to
rebase against master a couple times before your pull request can be merged.
Before deploying, Kumade ensures the git repo is clean.
After that, it packages assets using
Jammit (if it's installed), commits
them, and pushes to origin.
Then it force pushes to the correct Heroku remote, runs rake db:migrate
on the
Heroku app, and then restarts the app. If all of this succeeds, it will
also run the rake task kumade:post_deploy
if it is defined.
If any step fails, it immediately prints an error and stops the deploy process.
In your Gemfile:
gem 'kumade'
kumade will deploy to any Heroku remote in the repo. For example, if you have a remote named "staging":
$ bundle exec kumade staging
To run in pretend mode, which prints what would be done without actually doing any of it:
$ bundle exec kumade staging -p
The default is to deploy to staging:
# equivalent to "bundle exec kumade staging"
$ bundle exec kumade
Kumade auto-generates a deploy:ENV task for every Heroku environment. You don't need to do anything to get the Rake tasks, they're automatically set up for you. If you have a "staging" remote, you would run:
$ rake deploy:staging
Yes. Kumade will automatically detect if your app is running on Cedar.
Tested against:
- MRI 1.8.7
- MRI 1.9.2
- MRI 1.9.3
- REE 1.8.7
Want to run a task before bundling your assets on deploy? In your Rails app's rake tasks, drop in:
namespace :kumade do
task :before_asset_compilation do
puts "This runs before assets are committed and pushed to the remote"
You can hook in any custom code you want to run there before deploying!
To generate coverage (only on 1.9.x), run rake with COVERAGE set:
Kumade (pronunciation here) means "bamboo rake" in Japanese.
Kumade is maintained and funded by thoughtbot, inc
The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.
Kumade is Copyright © 2012 thoughtbot. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.