MVC program to query an Earthquake data API and produce aggregate information about earthquakes and their locations.
As a team-week project for Epicodus school we tasked ourselves with creating an application which would take a location from a user (city, county or state), and return the following:
- An interactive heat-map of earthquakes for the input region for the twenty years previous to date of inquiry;
- A list of these earthquakes with their respective latitudes and longitudes;
- The strength of these earthquakes (over a magnitude of 2.0);
- The probability that an earthquake would occur in the input region today.
- probability = Total Earthquakes / 365 * 20 (20 year search range, average earthquakes per day)
- The average earthquake magnitude.
- Avg Magnitude = Sum of all quake magnitudes / total earthquakes
- Largest earthquake (Max magnitude in search range)
- Clone this repository onto your computer: "git clone"
- Navigate into the "QuakeModler.Solution" directory in Visual Studio Code or preferred text editor:
- Open the project by typing "code ." while in the previous directory in your terminal.
- Open your computer's terminal and navigate to the directory bearing the name of the program and containing the top level subdirectories and files.
- Enter the command "dotnet build" in the terminal and press "Enter".
- Enter the command "dotnet watch run" in the terminal and press "Enter".
- n/a
- Tyson Lackey [email protected]
- Frederick Ernest [email protected]
- Evegeniya Chernaya [email protected]
- JohnNils Olson [email protected]
- Tyson Lackey [email protected]
- Visual Studio Code
- C#
- Entity Framework
- .NET Core
- Coordinates by Location API (
- Earthquake data API (
Copyright (c) 2020 Tyson Lackey, Thomas Glenn, JohnNils Olson, Evgeniya Chernaya, Frederick Ernest
This software is licensed under the MIT license.