Octopost is a web application, where everybody can freely write posts and vote for posts others have already written. Those posts can be sorted with a variety of different filters. What makes Octopost special is, that every post will be given a class classified by a RNN implemented with TensorFlow. The technologies used in this project are ASP.NET Core, Flask, TensorFlow and Angular.
Execute the following command in Octopost.TopicClassifier
python text_classification.py
Execute the following command in Octopost.TopicClassifier
python text_classification.py --server run
Configure ports, connection string and location api key in appsettings.json
If UClassify Api Key is not set, local Python server will be used for classification Set the environment either to 'Development' or 'Production':
set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development|Production Start the Web application on port 5000
Run the application from the dotnet CLI:
dotnet Octopost.WebApi.dll
Execute the following command in Octopost.WebUI
ng serve
Execute the following command in Octopost.MobileApp
ionic serve
ng build --prod --aot --verbose --build-optimizer