The harden
scripts help to harden containers. It needs do be used inside the Dockerfile
F.e. hardening nginx:alpine
FROM nginx:alpine as origin
ADD harden /harden
RUN mkdir /tmp/harden
RUN ./harden -d /usr/sbin/nginx \
-f /etc/nginx /var/log/nginx/ /var/run/ /var/cache/nginx /etc/passwd /etc/group \
/usr/share/nginx /usr/share/licenses/ /var/run \
-c /var/log/nginx/ /var/cache/nginx /var/run
FROM scratch
COPY --from=origin /tmp/harden/ /
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx","-g","daemon off;"]
The usage
harden [-x] -d <dynamically linked> -f <files and dirs> -r <files to remove> -u user <files to chown to user> -c <chmod to be world writable>"
-x Activates debugging
-d Files are considered dynamically linked
All library dependencies are resolved using ldd and necessary file are included
-f Files and directories to include. Don't forget the license files
-r Files to be removed before copying, especially log files
-u User:Group files should be chowned to, access right will be set to rw for the user
-c chmod go+rw to all the files in this section
The container needs a usable version of sh, ldd, sed, rm and uniq