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This repository contains (i) a file with all Bundesliga (First and Second) games ever played and (ii) a script to reproduce the data.

Additionally, there is legacy code that was initially used for a prior version. That legacy code did not gather data for the Second Bundesliga. However, when the data was initially scraped with that code, it was able to scrape the time of matches as well. This is no longer possible with the current version. (Sidenote: I don't think the problem is the code, but rather changes in the website from which the data is scraped.) The data is scraped from the Kicker website. As an overview, here is a heatmap of match results of all 1. Bundesliga games ever played.



Data is stored in a simple, readable CSV file. For every match, we store the following keys:

 'SeasonFrom',       # The year the season started
 'SeasonTo',         # The year the season ended
 'Matchday',         # The matchday on which the match took place 
 'Day',              # Friday, Saturday, ...
 'Date',             # Calendar date
 'Time',             # This is always pd.NA
 'Home',             # Name of the team playing at home
 'Guest',            # Name of the guest team
 'Score90',          # Result as string after the game is over, i.e., "1:2"
 'Score45',          # Half time result
 'Score90Home',      # Goals shot of the home team when the game is over
 'Score90Guest',     # Goals shot of the guest team when the game is over
 'Score45Home',      # Goals shot of the home team at half time
 'Score45Guest',     # Goals shot of the guest team at half time
 'PointsHome',       # Points for the match. Draw gives 1 each, win gives 3 (before 1995 only 2), loss 0
 'PointsGuest',      # Points for the guest team
 'Aborted',          # Whether or not the game has been aborted
 'Annulled',         # Whether or not the game has been annulled
 'League',           # 1. Bundesliga or 2. Bundesliga

The Time field is empty but kept for compatibility with the legacy code.


Two games are listed as aborted. They do have a final score, but no half time score is listed and the games are repeated. I did keep the entries but filled the half time score wit pd.NA. The two games can be found here and here (look for the 'abgr.' (aborted) label). For them, the Aborted key is True. Additionally, one game was annulated, see here and the Annulled key is set to True.

Additionally, no half time score was found for these matches (this table is copied verbatim from the legacy code):

1970  ,  1971  ,  27  ,  Saturday  ,  1971-04-03  ,  15:30  ,  Gladbach   ,  Bremen
1976  ,  1977  ,  15  ,  Saturday  ,  1976-11-27  ,  15:30  ,  K'lautern  ,  Düsseldorf 
1992  ,  1993  ,  32  ,  Saturday  ,  1993-05-22  ,  15:30  ,  Uerdingen  ,  Frankfurt  
1994  ,  1995  ,  26  ,  Saturday  ,  1995-04-15  ,  15:30  ,  Frankfurt  ,  Bayern  

The number of games between this version and the legacy code does not match exactly, the legacy code has fewer games. At a first glance, it seems like the old code had problems identifying delayed games, whereas the new code handles this. I am not entirely sure if this is the reason for the difference and whether it is handled correctly now, but it seems as if the new code does a better job here.

Lastly, the code is insanely slow and scraping takes forever (about two hours).


CSV file with results of all Bundesliga games ever player







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