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simonbrandhorst authored Jun 5, 2024
2 parents 4282135 + 4633cfd commit cc768da
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Showing 5 changed files with 363 additions and 6 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/EllCrv.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ include("EllCrv/MinimalModels.jl")
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295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions src/EllCrv/NewtonLift.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
#import Hecke.AbstractAlgebra
export newton_lift

_valuation(x::RingElem) = iszero(x) ? QQ(precision(parent(x))) : valuation(x)

Return the singular points of the weierstrass model W/k of E/k(t).
It is assumed that they are all defined over k.
function _singular_points_weierstrass_model(E::EllipticCurve{<:AbstractAlgebra.Generic.FracFieldElem{<:AbstractAlgebra.Generic.Poly}})
p = [i[1] for i in factor(numerator(discriminant(E))) if i[2]>1]
Ft = base_ring(base_field(E))
F = coefficient_ring(Ft)
P,x = polynomial_ring(F,:x)
a1, a2, a3, a4, a6 = a_invariants(E)

#f = y^2 + a1*x*y + a3*y - (x^3 + a2*x^2 + a4*x + a6)
@req iszero(a1) "not implemented for general weierstrass models"
@req iszero(a3) "not implemented for general weierstrass models"
sing = Vector{elem_type(F)}[]
for cc in p
@req degree(cc)==1 "all reducible singular fibers need to be defined over the base field"
t0 = -constant_coefficient(cc)
a1c, a2c, a3c, a4c, a6c = [evaluate(a,t0) for a in a_invariants(E)]
f = (x^3 + a2c*x^2 + a4c*x + a6c)
pt = [i[1] for i in factor(f) if i[2]>1]
@assert length(pt)==1

pt = pt[1]
x0 = -constant_coefficient(pt)
y0 = F(0)
push!(sing, [x0,y0,t0])
return sing

@doc r"""
newton_lift(E::EllipticCurve, P::EllipticCurvePoint, reduction_map; max_iterations=16) -> Bool, EllipticCurvePoint
Return a point `Q` of `E` which reduces by `reduction_map` to `P` and whether it exists.
Let ``F`` be a number field and ``E`` an elliptic curve over ``F(t)`` which is integral over ``F[t]``.
Let ``O_F`` be the maximal order of ``F`` and ``p`` be a prime ideal of ``O_F`` with residue field ``k``.
Suppose that ``E`` is integral over ``(O_F)_p`` and that it has good reduction at ``p``.
The algorithm lifts `P` by a multivariate Newton iteration to a point in the completion of ``F`` at the prime ``p``
(up to some finite precision). The corresponding point of small height in `F` is computed and the result verified.
Throws an error if `max_iterations` is reached without recognizing the point in `F`.
Use `set_verbosity_level(:NewtonLift, 2)` for output during the computation.
- `E` -- the elliptic curve ``E/F(t)``
- `p` -- a point of ``E/k(t)``
- `reduction map` -- the canonical homomorphism $O_F \rightarrow k$
- max_iterations -- the maximal number of Newton iteration steps
function newton_lift(E::EllipticCurve{<:Generic.FracFieldElem{<:PolyRingElem}}, P::EllipticCurvePoint{<:Generic.FracFieldElem{<:PolyRingElem}}, reduction_map::Map; max_iterations::Int=16)
# O_F -> O_F/m =: k
# K the completion of F at m
sing = _singular_points_weierstrass_model(E)
@req codomain(reduction_map)===base_ring(base_ring(base_field(parent(P)))) "codomain of the reduction map incompatible with the point to be lifted"
@req number_field(domain(reduction_map))===base_ring(base_ring(base_field(E))) "codomain of the reduction map incompatible with the point to be lifted"
@req max_iterations <= 62 " the desired precision needs to fit into an Int64"
prime = reduction_map.P
F = number_field(domain(reduction_map))
F_to_k = extend(reduction_map, F)
K, F_to_K = completion(F, prime, 2^max_iterations)
OK = valuation_ring(K)
Ft = base_ring(base_field(E))
OKt,_ = polynomial_ring(OK,'t'; cached=false)
F_to_OK = map_from_func(x-> OK(F_to_K(x)), F, OK)
Ft_to_OKt = map_from_func(x->map_coefficients(F_to_OK, x; parent=OKt), Ft, OKt)

return _newton_lift(P, E, F_to_K, Ft_to_OKt, F_to_k, max_iterations, sing, prime)

function _can_reconstruct_with_reconstruction(E::EllipticCurve, padic_point, F_to_K, prec)
@vprint :NewtonIteration 2 "trying rational reconstruction\n"
K = codomain(F_to_K)
# prec0 = precision(K)
#setprecision!(F_to_K, prec) # leads to difficult bugs

xnF, ynF, dnF = [map_coefficients(x->preimage(F_to_K,K(x); small_lift=true), a) for a in padic_point]

#setprecision!(F_to_K, prec0)

xF = xnF // dnF^2
yF = ynF // dnF^3

if is_on_curve(E, [xF, yF])
@vprint :NewtonIteration 3 "found"
return true, E([xF,yF])
return false, infinity(E)

function _newton_lift(P::EllipticCurvePoint, E::EllipticCurve, F_to_K, Ft_to_OKt, F_to_k, max_iterations, sing, prime, break_condition=_can_reconstruct_with_reconstruction)
ainvs = a_invars(E)
@assert P[3] == 1
xn = P[1]
yn = P[2]
K = codomain(F_to_K)
dn = sqrt(denominator(xn))
xn = numerator(xn)
@assert parent(dn) === parent(xn)
yn = numerator(yn)
kt = parent(xn)

# find the singular points of the Weierstrass model that P passes through
# this must be preserved by the lift
k = codomain(F_to_k)
F = domain(F_to_k)
extra_points = Vector{elem_type(F)}[]
for S in sing
(x0,y0,t0) = F_to_k.(S)
if evaluate(P[1], t0)==x0 && evaluate(P[2], t0)==y0
push!(extra_points, S)

# prepare the point for lifting
OKt = codomain(Ft_to_OKt)
OK = base_ring(OKt)
F_to_OK = map_from_func(x->OK(F_to_K(x)), F, OK)
point = [map_coefficients(x->F_to_OK(preimage(F_to_k,x)), i; parent=OKt) for i in [xn,yn,dn]]

# setup the ring for bookkeeping
@assert all(isone(denominator(a)) for a in ainvs) "model must be integral"
names = String[]
append!(names, ["x$(i)" for i in 0:degree(xn)])
append!(names, ["y$(i)" for i in 0:degree(yn)])
append!(names, ["d$(i)" for i in 0:(degree(dn)-1)])
append!(names, ["x","y","d"])
R,_ = polynomial_ring(OK,names; cached=false)
Rt,t = polynomial_ring(R,"t"; cached=false)

ainvsOKt = [Ft_to_OKt(numerator(a)) for a in ainvs]
extra_pointsOK = [F_to_OK.(i) for i in extra_points]

prec = 1
minprec = 1
for s in 1:max_iterations

can_lift, point = _newton_step(Rt, ainvsOKt, point, extra_pointsOK, prec)
can_lift || return false, infinity(E)
prec = 2*prec
s < min(max_iterations,6) && continue
fl, result = break_condition(E, point, F_to_K, prec)
if fl
return true, result
error("could not reconstruct point, you can increase the number of newton iterations and try again")

function _compute_fn(point, ainvs)
P = parent(point[1])
@assert all(P===parent(a) for a in ainvs)
@assert all(P===parent(a) for a in point)
# x = xn//dn^2
# y = tn//dn^3
xn,yn,dn = point
a1,a2,a3,a4,a6 = ainvs
return yn^2 + a1*dn*xn*yn + a3*dn^3*yn - (xn^3 + a2*dn^2*xn^2 + a4*dn^4*xn + a6*dn^6)

function _newton_step(Rt, ainvsOKt, point, extra_points, prec)
@assert parent(point[1]) === parent(ainvsOKt[1])
# increase precision to the desired output precision
point = [setprecision!(i, 2*prec) for i in point]

fn = _compute_fn(point, ainvsOKt)

# check that the input has the desired precision
@assert minimum(_valuation(i) for i in coefficients(fn);init=inf)>=prec
@assert minimum(precision(i) for i in coefficients(fn); init=inf)>=prec
@assert all(minimum(precision(i) for i in coefficients(a); init=inf)>=2*prec for a in ainvsOKt)
@vprint :NewtonIteration 3 "input quality: $(prec)\n"
@assert all(minimum(precision(i) for i in coefficients(a); init=inf)>=2*prec for a in point)

R = base_ring(Rt)
OK = base_ring(R)
xn, yn, dn = point
OKt = parent(xn)
ainvsRt = [a(gen(Rt)) for a in ainvsOKt]
a1,a2,a3,a4,a6 = ainvsRt
t = gen(Rt)
xd = degree(xn)
yd = degree(yn)
dd = degree(dn)

xnt = xn(t)
ynt = yn(t)
dnt = dn(t)

xt = sum(gen(R,i+1)*t^i for i in 0:xd; init = zero(Rt))
yt = sum(gen(R, i+xd+2)*t^i for i in 0:yd; init = zero(Rt))
dt = sum(gen(R, i+xd+1+yd+2)*t^i for i in 0:dd-1; init = zero(Rt))#+t^dd

DF = (2*ynt + a1*dnt*xnt + a3*dnt^3)*yt +(a1*dnt*ynt- (3*xnt^2 + a2*dnt^2*2*xnt + a4*dnt^4))*xt + (a1*xnt*ynt + a3*3*dnt^2*ynt - (a2*2*dnt*xnt^2 + a4*4*dnt^3*xnt + a6*6*dnt^5))*dt
eqn = fn(t) + DF

equations = []
push!(equations, eqn)

EQ0 = elem_type(R)[]
EQc0 = elem_type(OK)[]
for (x0,y0,t0) in extra_points
eqn0 = xn(t0) + xt(t0) - (dn(t0)^2+2*dt*dn(t0))*x0
push!(equations, eqn0)
eqn0 = yn(t0) + yt(t0) -(dn(t0)^3+3*dt*dn(t0)^2)*y0
push!(equations, eqn0)

EQ = reduce(append!,[elem_type(R)[coeff(eqn, i) for i in 0:degree(eqn) if coeff(eqn, i)!=0] for eqn in equations])
EQc = reduce(append!, [elem_type(OK)[constant_coefficient(coeff(eqn, i)) for i in 0:degree(eqn) if coeff(eqn, i)!=0] for eqn in equations])
n = ngens(R) - 3

# each equation is a row
M = zero_matrix(OK, length(EQ), n)
for i in 1:length(EQ)
for j in 1:n
M[i,j] = coeff(EQ[i],gen(R,j))

EQc = -matrix(OK, length(EQc), 1, EQc)
fl, v = can_solve_with_solution_mod(M, EQc, 2*prec; side=:right)

fl || return false, point

#@show minimum(_valuation.(M*v - EQc))
@assert minimum(_valuation.(M*v - EQc)) >= 2*prec
@assert minimum(_valuation.(v)) >= prec
t = gen(OKt)

xne = sum(v[i+1]*t^i for i in 0:xd; init=zero(OKt))
yne = sum(v[i+xd+2]*t^i for i in 0:yd; init=zero(OKt))
dne = sum(v[i+xd+2+yd+1]*t^i for i in 0:dd-1; init=zero(OKt))

xn1 = xn + xne
yn1 = yn + yne
dn1 = dn + dne
point = [xn1,yn1,dn1]
fn = _compute_fn(point, ainvsOKt)
prec0 = minimum(_valuation.(coefficients(fn)); init=precision(OK))
prec1 = minimum(minimum(precision.(coefficients(i)); init=precision(OK)) for i in point)
prec2 = minimum(minimum(precision.(coefficients(i)); init=precision(OK)) for i in ainvsOKt)
prec_out = minimum([prec0,prec1,prec2])
@vprint :NewtonIteration 2 "output quality: $(prec_out)\n"
@assert prec_out >= 2*prec
return true, (xn1, yn1, dn1)

_solve_mod(A::T, b::T, n::Int, side) where {T<: MatElem{<:Hecke.LocalFieldValuationRingElem}} -> T
Let `p` be the uniformizer of the coefficient ring of `A`.
If side = :right
solve A x = b mod p^n for x
If side = :left
Solve x A = b mod p^n for x
function can_solve_with_solution_mod(A::T, b::T, n::Int; side) where {T<: MatElem{<:Hecke.LocalFieldValuationRingElem}}
OK = base_ring(A)
@assert base_ring(b) == OK
pi = uniformizer(OK)
R, OK_to_R = residue_ring(OK, pi^n)

@show minimum(precision.(A))
@assert minimum(precision.(A))>=n
@assert minimum(precision.(b))>=n

AR = OK_to_R.(A)
bR = OK_to_R.(b)

fl, xR = can_solve_with_solution(AR,bR; side=side)
xOK = map_entries(x-> preimage(OK_to_R,x), xR)
fl || return fl, xOK
# double check the computation
bb = A*xOK
@assert minimum(precision.(xOK)) >= n && minimum(precision.(bb)) >= n && bb==b
return fl, xOK

12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/LocalField/Poly.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ function setprecision_fixed_precision(f::Generic.Poly{QadicFieldElem}, N::Int)
return f

function setprecision_fixed_precision(a::LocalFieldElem, n::Int)
function setprecision_fixed_precision(a::Union{LocalFieldElem, LocalFieldValuationRingElem}, n::Int)
return setprecision(a, n)

function Nemo.setprecision(f::Generic.Poly{<:LocalFieldElem}, n::Int)
function Nemo.setprecision(f::Generic.Poly{<:Union{LocalFieldElem, LocalFieldValuationRingElem}}, n::Int)
f = map_coefficients(x->setprecision(x, n), f, parent = parent(f))
@assert iszero(f) || !iszero(f.coeffs[f.length])
return f

function setprecision!(f::Generic.Poly{<:LocalFieldElem}, n::Int)
function setprecision!(f::Generic.Poly{<:Union{LocalFieldElem, LocalFieldValuationRingElem}}, n::Int)
for i = 1:length(f.coeffs)
f.coeffs[i] = setprecision(f.coeffs[i], n)
Expand All @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ function setprecision!(f::Generic.Poly{<:LocalFieldElem}, n::Int)
return f

function setprecision_fixed_precision(f::Generic.Poly{<:LocalFieldElem}, n::Int)
function setprecision_fixed_precision(f::Generic.Poly{<:Union{LocalFieldElem, LocalFieldValuationRingElem}}, n::Int)
fr = map_coefficients(x -> setprecision_fixed_precision(x, n), f, parent = parent(f))
@assert iszero(fr) || !iszero(fr.coeffs[fr.length])
return fr
Expand All @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ end
#otherwise the precision is lost:
#an empty poly is "filled" with 0 in precision of the ring
#a zero (in a) might have a different precision....
function setcoeff!(c::Generic.Poly{T}, n::Int, a::T) where {T <: Union{PadicFieldElem, QadicFieldElem, Hecke.LocalFieldElem}}
function setcoeff!(c::Generic.Poly{T}, n::Int, a::T) where {T <: Union{PadicFieldElem, QadicFieldElem, LocalFieldElem, LocalFieldValuationRingElem}}
fit!(c, n + 1)
c.coeffs[n + 1] = a
c.length = max(length(c), n + 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ end

function Nemo.precision(g::Generic.Poly{T}) where T <: Union{PadicFieldElem, QadicFieldElem}
function Nemo.precision(g::Generic.Poly{T}) where T <: Union{PadicFieldElem, QadicFieldElem, LocalFieldElem, LocalFieldValuationRingElem}
N = precision(coeff(g, 0))
for i = 1:degree(g)
N = min(N, precision(coeff(g, i)))
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/EllCrv.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
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