Selenium and Java framework for Automation testing
Selenium is an open-source tool that automates web browsers, mobile apps and APIs
- extentReport -> contains classes that support FareyeListener.class which allows to create reports via TestNG Listeners.
- Pages -> contains page object model structure of classes that represents each app web page.
- BasePage, contains:
- Every object called from the tests.
- Selenium most common methods that can be used from every page.
- Everything that is needed to start the tests.
- BasePage, contains:
- Test
- PractisTest -> Contains some tests using
- BaseTest -> Contains everything that is needed to instanciate tests
- Utilities
- Utilities -> Contains common methods used by Java language.
- Constants -> contains global common constants
- -> Contains some environmental variables.
- testng_regression.xml -> Contains tests that can be run in several browsers, headless or headful mode.
Java IDE, IntellijIdea Community recommended.
JDK installed
Repository Cloned
BaseTest in setDriver method is prepared to run with this browsers from TestNG xml file:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Edge
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Regression PW Suite">
<listener class-name="extentReport.FareyeListener" />
<test name="PractisTest Test_firefox">
<parameter name="headless" value="false"/>
<parameter name="browser" value="firefox" />
<class name="Test.AutomationExerciseLoginTest" />
- listener tag: will manage TestNG listener. In this case, reports
- test tag: will contain everything is needed to run tests
- parameter tag: will contain parameters to run tests:
- headless: boolean, if it is false will be headful, otherwise will be headless
- browser: set which browser will run the tests, accepted values: chrome, firefox, safari
- classes tag: will contain the class that is going to be called to run tests
- method tag: will contain a particular method that is going to be called for a specific test
- parameter tag: will contain parameters to run tests:
If test runs from the class itself it will be run with Chrome in headful mode
Reports are automatically generated in Automation_Reports folder grouped by Year, Month, Day, Time if:
- is setted in xml file in listener tag
- is setted above the class is being use to run tests after imports, ex:
package Test;
import extentReport.FareyeListener;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Listeners;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class PractisTest extends BaseTest{
@Test(description = "By clicking in Do1 button Do2 will be enabled and Do1 disabled and vice versa")
public void doButtonsTest(){
loginPage = startTest();
WebElement username = loginPage.getUsernameInput();
loginPage.sendKeysToAWebElement(username, prop.getProperty("user").trim());
WebElement password = loginPage.getpasswordInput();
loginPage.sendKeysToAWebElement(password, prop.getProperty("pass").trim());
mainPage = loginPage.clickOnLoginBtn();
WebElement doOneBtn = mainPage.getDoOneBtn();
WebElement doTwoBtn = mainPage.getDoTwoBtn();
Assert.assertTrue(mainPage.isWebElementEnabled(doOneBtn), "Do1 Button is not enabled");
Assert.assertFalse(mainPage.isWebElementEnabled(doTwoBtn), "Do2 Button is enabled");;
doOneBtn = mainPage.getDoOneBtn();
doTwoBtn = mainPage.getDoTwoBtn();
Assert.assertFalse(mainPage.isWebElementEnabled(doOneBtn), "Do1 Button is enabled after Do1 click");
Assert.assertTrue(mainPage.isWebElementEnabled(doTwoBtn), "Do2 Button is not enabled after Do1 click");;
doOneBtn = mainPage.getDoOneBtn();
doTwoBtn = mainPage.getDoTwoBtn();
Assert.assertTrue(mainPage.isWebElementEnabled(doOneBtn), "Do1 Button is not enabled");
Assert.assertFalse(mainPage.isWebElementEnabled(doTwoBtn), "Do2 Button is enabled");