You can use this project as a lumen passport sample project or just test it as a full Restful project.
Clone project:
git clone [email protected]:thisismahabadi/lupas.git
composer install
Create .env file and Copy .env.example to it:
cp .env.example .env
Migrate the database using:
php artisan migrate
Create the encryption keys needed to generate secure access tokens:
php artisan passport:install
and Finally serve the project:
php -S localhost:8000 -t public
Available routes and http methods:
POST: /api/v1/register - Register new user
POST: /api/v1/login - Login user
POST: /api/v1/logout - Logout from current user
This route works based on parameters:
GET: /api/v1/posts - Display a listing of the post
GET: /api/v1/posts?page={pageNumber} - Paginate the listing of the post
GET: /api/v1/posts?filter={columnName} - Filter the listing of the post
GET: /api/v1/posts?field={columnName}&value={orderingValue} - Sort the listing of the post
GET: /api/v1/posts?search={recordValues} - Search in the listing of the post
Or you can use every one of these routes together, like this:
GET /api/v1/posts?page=1&field=id&value=desc&search=hello&filter=id
These routes need sending datas in body:
POST: /api/v1/posts - Store a newly created post in database
GET: /api/v1/posts/{id} - Display the specified post
PUT: /api/v1/posts/{id} - Update the specified post in database
DELETE: /api/v1/posts/{id} - Remove the specified post from database
POST: /api/v1/refresh - Exchange a refresh token for an access token when the access token has expired
All of these routes except register and login and logout are provided with auth middleware which means you should send Authorization field in request header.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Also I used lumen-passport for use Laravel Passport with Lumen, and Thanks to phpdoc to help me for writing comments for my code.