mcp2200ctl is a command-line program which allows controlling additional features found in MCP2200 USB-to-UART serial converter (
mcp2200ctl has the following features:
- RX/TX led mode control.
- RX/TX/RTS/CTS invert control.
- EEPROM read/write.
- GPIO read/write.
- GPIO direction and default value control.
- Hardware flow control.
- USB suspend and configure state indication pin control.
- Ability to set USB manufacturer and product strings.
- Ability to set custom vendor and product IDs.
mcp2200gui is a GTK 3 based graphical program with the same purpose as mcp2200ctl.
List all detected MCP2200 devices:
mcp2200ctl list
1, "Microchip Technology Inc.", "MCP2200 USB Serial Port Emulator", "0000988086", "/dev/hidraw4"
Get current configuration:
mcp2200ctl configure
Default baud rate: 9600
GPIO directions: ioiooioo
GPIO default values: 11000111
GPIO values: 01000111
RX LED (GPIO pin 6): blink
TX LED (GPIO pin 7): blink
Blink speed: fast
Invert RX/TX/RTS/CTS: off
USB suspend pin (GPIO pin 0): off
USB configuration pin (GPIO pin 1): on
Hardware flow control RTS/CTS: off
Get current GPIO values:
mcp2200ctl get
GPIO values: 01000111
Get current manufacturer, product and serial strings:
mcp2200ctl describe
Manufacturer: Microchip Technology Inc.
Product: MCP2200 USB Serial Port Emulator
Serial: 0000988086
Get current EEPROM value at address 0x01:
mcp2200ctl get-eeprom --address=01
EEPROM value: 12
Some of C++17 features are required. Compilation is currently only tested on the following compilers:
- gcc 9.3
- gcc 10.2
- clang 10.0
- clang 11.0
CMake 3.13 or newer (
HIDAPI 0.7 or newer (
Boost 1.67 or newer (
Used boost libraries:
- Program Options.
- Test.
- Filesystem.
Additional graphical application dependencies:
- GTK 3.21 or newer (
- libudev 231 or newer (
- jsoncpp 1.9.4 or newer (
On Debian, and on Debian based Linux distributions, the following command can be used to get all of the build dependencies:
apt-get install cmake pkg-config libhidapi-dev libgtk-3-dev libudev-dev libjsoncpp-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make install