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Forensics tool for NTFS (parser, mft, bitlocker, deleted files)


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GitHub license Language: C++ x64 x86 v1.6 Build

NTFSTool is a forensic tool focused on NTFS volumes. It supports reading partition info (MBR, partition table, VBR) but also information on Master File Table, Bitlocker encrypted volume, EFS encrypted files, USN journal and more.

Download the latest binaries on AppVeyor or by checking the last GitHub artefacts.

See below for some examples of the features!



NTFSTool displays the complete structure of master boot record, volume boot record, partition table and $MFT file record. It is also possible to dump any file (even $MFT or SAM) or parse and analyze USN journal, LogFile including streams from Alternate Data Stream (ADS). $MFT can be dumped as csv or json with Zone.Identifier parsing to quickly identify downloaded files. The undelete command will search for any file record marked as "not in use" and allow you to retrieve the file (or part of the file if it was already rewritten). It support input from image file, live disk or virtual like VeraCrypt and TrueCrypt, but you can also use tools like OSFMount to mount your disk image. Sparse and compressed files (lznt1, xpress) are also supported.

Bitlocker support

For bitlocked partition, it can display FVE records, check a password and key (bek, password, recovery key), extract VMK and FVEK. There is no bruteforce feature because GPU-based cracking is better (see Bitcracker and Hashcat) but you can get the hash for these tools.

EFS support

Masterkeys, private keys and certificates can be listed, displayed and decrypted using needed inputs (SID, password). Certificates with private keys can be exported using the backup command.

Reinmport the backup on another machine to be able to read your encrypted file again! Or you can use the efs.decrypt command to decrypt a file using the backed-up key.

More information on Mimikatz Wiki

USN Journal analysis

USN journal records can be analyzed using custom rules to detect suspicious programs and actions but also to have an overview of the journal (% of file deleted, created ...)

Default rules: Rules/default.json

    "id": "lsass-dump",
    "description": "Dumped LSASS.exe process.",
    "severity": "high",
    "rule": {
      "filename": "lsass(\\.(dmp|dump))?"

See an example of run here: usn.analyze


There is a limited shell with few commands (exit, cd, ls, cat, pwd, cp, quit, rec).

Command rec shows the MFT record details.

Help & Examples

Help command displays description and examples for each command.

Options can be entered as decimal or hex number with "0x" prefix (ex: inode).

ntfstool help [command]
Command Description
info Display information for all disks and volumes
mbr Display MBR structure, code and partitions for a disk
gpt Display GPT structure, code and partitions for a disk
vbr Display VBR structure and code for a specidifed volume (ntfs, fat32, fat1x, bitlocker supported)
extract Extract a file from a volume.
image Create an image file of a disk or volume.
mft.dump Dump $MFT file in specified format: csv, json, raw.
mft.record Display FILE record details for a specified MFT inode. Almost all attribute types supported
mft.btree Display VCN content and Btree index for an inode Display information and hash ($bitlocker$) for all VMK. Test a password or recovery key.
bitlocker.decrypt Decrypt a volume to a file using password, recovery key or bek.
bitlocker.fve Display information for the specified FVE block.
efs.backup Export EFS keys in PKCS12 (pfx) format.
efs.decrypt Decrypt EFS encrypted file using keys in PKCS12 (pfx) format.
efs.certificate List, display and export system certificates (SystemCertificates/My/Certificates).
efs.key List, display, decrypt and export private keys (Crypto/RSA).
efs.masterkey List, display and decrypt masterkeys (Protect).
reparse Parse and display reparse points from $Extend$Reparse.
logfile.dump Dump $LogFile file in specified format: csv, json, raw.
usn.analyze Analyze $UsnJrnl file with specified rules. Output : csv or json.
usn.dump Dump $UsnJrnl file in specified format: csv, json, raw.
shadow List volume shadow snapshots from selected disk and volume.
streams Display Alternate Data Streams
undelete Search and extract deleted files for a volume.
shell Start a limited Unix-like shell
smart Display S.M.A.R.T data


  • Some unsupported cases. WIP.
  • No documentation 😶.

Feel free to open an issue or ask for a new feature!


  • Install Visual Studio 2022

  • Install vcpkg (for required third-party libs) as described here: vcpkg#getting-started

     git clone
  • Integrate it to your VisualStudio env:

     vcpkg integrate install

At build time, VisualStudio will detect the vcpkg.json file and install required packages automatically.

Third-party libraries:

  • openssl: OpenSSL is an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols.
  • nlohmann-json: JSON for Modern C++
  • distorm: Powerful Disassembler Library For x86/AMD64
  • cppcoro: A library of C++ coroutine abstractions for the coroutines TS.
  • re2: RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines.



| Id | Model                     | Type      | Partition | Size                       |
| 0  | Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB | Fixed SSD | GPT       | 500107862016 (465.76 GiBs) |
| 1  | ST2000DM001-1ER164        | Fixed HDD | GPT       | 2000398934016 (1.82 TiB)   |
| 2  | 15EADS External           | Fixed HDD | MBR       | 1500301910016 (1.36 TiB)   |
| 3  | osfdisk                   | Fixed HDD | MBR       | 536870912 (512.00 MiBs)    |
info disk=3
Model       : osfdisk
Version     : 1
Serial      :
Media Type  : Fixed HDD
Size        : 536870912 (512.00 MiBs)
Geometry    : 512 bytes * 63 sectors * 255 tracks * 65 cylinders
Volume      : MBR

| Id | Boot | Label     | Mounted | Filesystem | Offset           | Size                           |
| 1  | No   | NTFSDRIVE | F:\     | Bitlocker  | 0000000000000200 | 000000001ffffe00 (512.00 MiBs) |
info disk=3 volume=1
Serial Number  : 0000aa60-00002eae
Filesystem     : Bitlocker
Bootable       : False
Type           : Fixed
Label          : NTFSDRIVE
Offset         : 512 (512.00 bytes)
Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Free           : 519442432 (495.38 MiBs)
Mounted        : True (F:\)
Bitlocker      : True (Unlocked)


mbr disk=2
Disk signature  : e4589462
Reserved bytes  : 0000

Partition table :
| Id | Boot | Flags     | Filesystem   | First sector | Last sector | Offset | Sectors  | Size      |
| 1  | No   | Principal | NTFS / exFAT | 0 2 3        | 255 254 255 | 128    | 16771072 | 8.00 GiBs |

MBR signature  : 55aa

    [63] : Invalid partition table
    [7b] : Error loading operating system
    [9a] : Missing operating system

Disassemble Bootstrap Code [y/N] ? y

    0000 : 33c0           : xor ax, ax
    0002 : 8ed0           : mov ss, ax
    0004 : bc007c         : mov sp, 0x7c00
    0007 : 8ec0           : mov es, ax
    0009 : 8ed8           : mov ds, ax
    000b : be007c         : mov si, 0x7c00
    000e : bf0006         : mov di, 0x600
    0011 : b90002         : mov cx, 0x200


gpt disk=1
Signature        : EFI PART
Revision         : 1.0
Header Size      : 92
Header CRC32     : cc72e4d3
Reserved         : 00000000
Current LBA      : 1
Backup LBA       : 3907029167
First Usable LBA : 34
Last Usable LBA  : 3907029134
GUID             : {a21d6495-cd58-4b8d-b968-dc337adcf6ac}
Entry LBA        : 2
Entries Num      : 128
Entries Size     : 128
Partitions CRC32 : 0c9a0a25

Partition table  : 2 entries
| Id | Name                         | GUID                                   | First sector | Last sector | Flags        |
| 1  | Microsoft reserved partition | {da0ac4a1-a78c-4053-bab5-36c70a71fe63} | 34           | 262177      | 000000000000 |
| 2  | Basic data partition         | {4b4ea4b3-64a1-4c6d-bd4b-1c2b0e4e706f} | 264192       | 3907028991  | 000000000000 |


vbr disk=3 volume=1
Structure :
    Jump             : eb5890 (jmp 0x7c5a)
    OEM id           : -FVE-FS-
    BytePerSector    : 512
    SectorPerCluster : 8
    Reserved Sectors : 0
    Number of FATs   : 0
    Root Max Entries : 0
    Total Sectors    : 0
    Media Type       : f8
    SectorPerFat     : 8160
    SectorPerTrack   : 63
    Head Count       : 255
    FS Offset        : 1
    Total Sectors    : 0
    FAT Flags        : 0000
    FAT Version      : 0000
    Root Cluster     : 0
    FS Info Sector   : 1
    Backup BootSector: 6
    Reserved         : 00000000
    Reserved         : 00000000
    Reserved         : 00000000
    Drive Number     : 80
    Reserved         : 00
    Ext. Boot Sign   : 29
    Serial Number    : 00000000
    Volume Name      : NO NAME
    FileSystem Type  : FAT32
    Volume GUID      : {4967d63b-2e29-4ad8-8399-f6a339e3d001}
    FVE Block 1      : 0000000002100000
    FVE Block 2      : 00000000059e4000
    FVE Block 3      : 00000000092c8000
    End marker       : 55aa

    [00] : Remove disks or other media. 
    [1f] : Disk error 
    [2c] : Press any key to restart

Disassemble Bootstrap Code [y/N] ? y

    7c5a : eb58           : jmp 0x7cb4
    7c5c : 90             : nop
    7c5d : 2d4656         : sub ax, 0x5646
    7c60 : 45             : inc bp
    7c61 : 2d4653         : sub ax, 0x5346
    7c64 : 2d0002         : sub ax, 0x200


extract disk=0 volume=4 inode=0 output=d:\mymft
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[-] Record Num  : 0 (00000000h)
[-] Destination : d:\mymft
[+] File extracted (5123541 bytes written)
extract disk=3 volume=1 from=\bob.txt output=d:\bob.txt
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{00023d5d-0000-0000-0002-000000000000}\
[-] Record Num  : 47 (0000002fh)
[-] Destination : d:\bob.txt
[+] File extracted (42 bytes written)
extract disk=0 volume=4 --system output=d:\system
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[-] Record Num  : 623636 (00098414h)
[-] Destination : d:\system
[+] File extracted (19398656 bytes written)


image disk=2 volume=2 output=d:\imagevol.raw
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{f095dd1d-f302-4d17-bf68-7cc8c1de3965}\
[-] Size     : 33520128 (31.97 MiBs)
[-] BlockSize: 4096
[+] Copying  : [################################] 100% 0s
[+] Done
image disk=2 output=d:\image.raw
[+] Opening \\.\PhysicalDrive2
[-] Size     : 67108864 (64.00 MiBs)
[-] BlockSize: 4096
[+] Copying  : [################################] 100% 0s
[+] Done


mft.dump disk=2 volume=2 output=d:\mft.raw
[+] $MFT size   : 1.00 MiB
[-] Record size : 1024
[-] Record count: 1024
[+] Creating d:\mft.raw
[+] Processing data: 1.00 MiB
[+] Closing volume
mft.dump disk=2 volume=2 output=d:\mft.csv format=csv
[+] $MFT size   : 1.00 MiB
[-] Record size : 1024
[-] Record count: 1024
[+] Creating d:\mft.csv
[+] Processing data: 1.00 MiB
[+] Closing volume
Sample of mft.csv (check the end of the last line for Zone.Identifier data)
0,"True","File","$MFT","",1048576,"5","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","False","False","False","False","True","False","False","False","False","False","False","True","False",0,1,"","","",""
1,"True","File","$MFTMirr","",4096,"5","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","False","False","False","False","True","False","False","False","False","False","False","True","False",0,1,"","","",""
2,"True","File","$LogFile","",67108864,"5","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","False","False","False","False","True","False","False","False","False","False","False","True","False",0,1,"","","",""
3,"True","File","$Volume","",0,"5","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","2022-03-17 01:25:10","False","False","False","False","True","False","False","False","False","False","False","True","False",0,1,"","","",""
397,"True","File","vswhere.exe",".exe",457824,"103911","2020-10-19 18:42:19","2019-06-11 10:07:50","2019-06-11 10:07:52","2021-12-27 14:54:49","True","False","False","False","False","False","False","False","False","False","False","False","False",35944347632,1,"Zone.Identifier","3","",""


mft.record disk=2 volume=1 inode=5 (root folder)
Signature         : FILE
Update Offset     : 48
Update Number     : 3
$LogFile LSN      : 274035114
Sequence Number   : 5
Hardlink Count    : 1
Attribute Offset  : 56
Flags             : In_use | Directory
Real Size         : 704
Allocated Size    : 1024
Base File Record  : 0
Next Attribute ID : 56
MFT Record Index  : 5
Update Seq Number : 4461
Update Seq Array  : 00000000


| Id | Type                   | Non-resident | Length | Overview                                                   |
| 1  | $STANDARD_INFORMATION  | False        | 72     | File Created Time       : 2009-12-02 02:03:31              |
|    |                        |              |        | Last File Write Time    : 2020-02-24 19:42:23              |
|    |                        |              |        | FileRecord Changed Time : 2020-02-24 19:42:23              |
|    |                        |              |        | Last Access Time        : 2020-02-24 19:42:23              |
|    |                        |              |        | Permissions             :                                  |
|    |                        |              |        |   read_only     : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   hidden        : 1                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   system        : 1                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   device        : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   normal        : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   temporary     : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   sparse        : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   reparse_point : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   compressed    : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   offline       : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   not_indexed   : 1                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   encrypted     : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        | Max Number of Versions  : 0                                |
|    |                        |              |        | Version Number          : 0                                |
| 2  | $FILE_NAME             | False        | 68     | Parent Dir Record Index : 5                                |
|    |                        |              |        | Parent Dir Sequence Num : 5                                |
|    |                        |              |        | File Created Time       : 2009-12-02 02:03:31              |
|    |                        |              |        | Last File Write Time    : 2011-12-24 03:13:12              |
|    |                        |              |        | FileRecord Changed Time : 2011-12-24 03:13:12              |
|    |                        |              |        | Last Access Time        : 1970-01-01 00:59:59              |
|    |                        |              |        | Allocated Size          : 0                                |
|    |                        |              |        | Real Size               : 0                                |
|    |                        |              |        | ------                                                     |
|    |                        |              |        | Name                    : .                                |
| 3  | $OBJECT_ID             | False        | 16     | Object Unique ID        : {cce8fec5-9a29-11df-be68-0017f29 |
|    |                        |              |        |                           8268d}                           |
| 4  | $INDEX_ROOT            | False        | 152    | Attribute Type          : 00000030h                        |
|    |                        |              |        | Collation Rule          : 1                                |
|    |                        |              |        | Index Alloc Entry Size  : 4096                             |
|    |                        |              |        | Cluster/Index Record    : 1                                |
|    |                        |              |        | -----                                                      |
|    |                        |              |        | First Entry Offset      : 16                               |
|    |                        |              |        | Index Entries Size      : 136                              |
|    |                        |              |        | Index Entries Allocated : 136                              |
|    |                        |              |        | Flags                   : Large Index                      |
| 5  | $INDEX_ALLOCATION      | True         | 12288  | Index                                                      |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000004 : $AttrDef                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000008 : $BadClus                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000006 : $Bitmap                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000007 : $Boot                            |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000000b : $Extend                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000002 : $LogFile                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000000 : $MFT                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000001 : $MFTMirr                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000002d : $RECYCLE.BIN                     |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000009 : $Secure                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000000a : $UpCase                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000003 : $Volume                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000005 : .                                |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000240c : Dir1                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000218 : Dir2                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000212a : Dir3                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000024 : Dir4                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000def : RECYCLER                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000001b : System Volume Information        |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000001b : SYSTEM~1                         |
| 6  | $BITMAP                | False        | 8      | Index Node Used         : 2                                |


mft.btree disk=0 volume=1 inode=5 (root folder)

| Id | Type              | Non-resident | Length | Overview                                 |
| 1  | $INDEX_ROOT       | False        | 56     | Attribute Type          : Filename       |
|    |                   |              |        | Collation Rule          : 1              |
|    |                   |              |        | Index Alloc Entry Size  : 4096           |
|    |                   |              |        | Cluster/Index Record    : 1              |
|    |                   |              |        | -----                                    |
|    |                   |              |        | First Entry Offset      : 16             |
|    |                   |              |        | Index Entries Size      : 40             |
|    |                   |              |        | Index Entries Allocated : 40             |
|    |                   |              |        | Flags                   : Large Index    |
| 2  | $INDEX_ALLOCATION | True         | 20480  | First VCN               : 0x000000000000 |
|    |                   |              |        | Last VCN                : 0x000000000004 |


| VCN           | Raw address   | Size          | Entries                                    |
| 000000000000h | 000000024000h | 000000001000h | 000000000004: $AttrDef                     |
|               |               |               | 000000000008: $BadClus                     |
|               |               |               | 000000000006: $Bitmap                      |
|               |               |               | 000000000009: $Secure                      |
|               |               |               | 00000000000a: $UpCase                      |
|               |               |               | 000000000003: $Volume                      |
| 000000000001h | 000000025000h | 000000001000h | 000000000098: randomfile - Copie (5).accdb |
|               |               |               | 000000000097: randomfile - Copie (5).bat   |
|               |               |               | 000000000095: randomfile - Copie (5).psd   |
|               |               |               | 000000000096: randomfile - Copie (5).txt   |
|               |               |               | 00000000009b: randomfile - Copie (6).accdb |
|               |               |               | 000000000083: randomfile.accdb             |
|               |               |               | 000000000082: randomfile.bat               |
|               |               |               | 000000000084: randomfile.psd               |
|               |               |               | 000000000081: randomfile.txt               |
|               |               |               | 000000000024: System Volume Information    |
| 000000000002h | 0000007d6000h | 000000001000h |                                            |
| 000000000003h | 0000007d7000h | 000000001000h | 000000000005: .                            |
|               |               |               | 000000000092: randomfile - Copie (4).txt   |
| 000000000004h | 0000007d8000h | 000000001000h | 000000000027: random folder                |
|               |               |               | 00000000008c: randomfile - Copie (2).accdb |
|               |               |               | 00000000008b: randomfile - Copie (2).bat   |
|               |               |               | 000000000089: randomfile - Copie (2).psd   |
|               |               |               | 00000000008e: randomfile - Copie (3).txt   |
|               |               |               | 000000000094: randomfile - Copie (4).accdb |
|               |               |               | 000000000093: randomfile - Copie (4).bat   |
|               |               |               | 000000000091: randomfile - Copie (4).psd   |

B-tree index:

|- 000000000000:
|---- VCN: 3
	 |- 000000000005: .
	 |---- VCN: 0
		  |- 000000000004: $AttrDef
		  |- 000000000008: $BadClus
		  |- 000000000006: $Bitmap
		  |- 000000000009: $Secure
		  |- 00000000000a: $UpCase
		  |- 000000000003: $Volume
	 |- 000000000092: randomfile - Copie (4).txt
	 |---- VCN: 4
		  |- 000000000027: random folder
		  |- 00000000008c: randomfile - Copie (2).accdb
		  |- 00000000008b: randomfile - Copie (2).bat
		  |- 000000000089: randomfile - Copie (2).psd
		  |- 000000000094: randomfile - Copie (4).accdb
		  |- 000000000093: randomfile - Copie (4).bat
		  |- 000000000091: randomfile - Copie (4).psd
	 |- 000000000000 (*)
	 |---- VCN: 1
		  |- 000000000098: randomfile - Copie (5).accdb
		  |- 000000000097: randomfile - Copie (5).bat
		  |- 000000000095: randomfile - Copie (5).psd
		  |- 000000000084: randomfile.psd
		  |- 000000000081: randomfile.txt
		  |- 000000000024: System Volume Information

Bitlocker-Info disk=3 volume=1
FVE Version    : 2
State          : ENCRYPTED
Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Encrypted Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Algorithm      : AES-XTS-128
Timestamp      : 2020-02-26 16:39:17

Volume Master Keys:

| Id | Type              | GUID                                   | Details                                          |
| 1  | Password          | {2dd368f3-37d7-414f-94e6-3c5b86fadd50} | Nonce         : 01d5ecbb00f7155000000003         |
|    |                   |                                        | MAC           : daea96439babc5d1e7f20c8860ff1ee9 |
|    |                   |                                        | Encrypted Key : b76281568419ec3bee89d1eddccf3169 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 59c466b6b392f40f0875e58168d868d7 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 0788bd366bec117b11a9fd6e         |
|    |                   |                                        |                                                  |
|    |                   |                                        | JtR Hash      : $bitlocker$1$16$daea96439babc5d1 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 e7f20c8860ff1ee9$1048576$12$5015 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 f700bbecd50103000000$60$175ec23c |
|    |                   |                                        |                 d799e2bde9d24bf3697919feb7628156 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 8419ec3bee89d1eddccf316959c466b6 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 b392f40f0875e58168d868d70788bd36 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 6bec117b11a9fd6e                 |
| 2  | Recovery Password | {19b4a3e2-94b3-452f-a614-6212faeb1b9d} | Nonce         : 01d5ecbb00f7155000000006         |
|    |                   |                                        | MAC           : b9963d29e1bad1f42e60c3bfb6e3bef5 |
|    |                   |                                        | Encrypted Key : 97a43d40c695c6d190eba3956ac7c7b1 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 f5fdbbc7f9a61a77c914fa347479c7ac |
|    |                   |                                        |                 6124ff46865e805367f7bef1         |
|    |                   |                                        |                                                  |
|    |                   |                                        | JtR Hash      : $bitlocker$1$16$b9963d29e1bad1f4 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 2e60c3bfb6e3bef5$1048576$12$5015 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 f700bbecd50106000000$60$3a06a06f |
|    |                   |                                        |                 db044d850ecd6faf5cf2aec997a43d40 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 c695c6d190eba3956ac7c7b1f5fdbbc7 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 f9a61a77c914fa347479c7ac6124ff46 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 865e805367f7bef1                 |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ disk=3 volume=1 password=badpassword
FVE Version    : 2
State          : ENCRYPTED
Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Encrypted Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Algorithm      : AES-XTS-128
Timestamp      : 2020-02-26 16:39:17

Tested Password:

| Id | Type     | GUID                                   | Password    | Result  |
| 1  | Password | {2dd368f3-37d7-414f-94e6-3c5b86fadd50} | badpassword | Invalid |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ disk=3 volume=1 password=123456789
FVE Version    : 2
State          : ENCRYPTED
Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Encrypted Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Algorithm      : AES-XTS-128
Timestamp      : 2020-02-26 16:39:17

Tested Password:

| Id | Type     | GUID                                   | Password  | Result                                  |
| 1  | Password | {2dd368f3-37d7-414f-94e6-3c5b86fadd50} | 123456789 | Valid                                   |
|    |          |                                        |           |                                         |
|    |          |                                        |           | VMK  : 751bf363db63ba6f1b36fb2ecd5ff1d8 |
|    |          |                                        |           |        f5eab77e8754a848f2743978c7615f9f |
|    |          |                                        |           | FVEK : 35b8197e6d74d8521f49698d5f556589 |
|    |          |                                        |           |        2cf286ae5323c65631965c905a9d7da4 |


bitlocker.decrypt disk=3 volume=1 output=decrypted.img fvek=35b8197e6d74d8521f49698d5f5565892cf286ae5323c65631965c905a9d7da4
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{09a02598-0000-0000-0002-000000000000}\
[+] Reading Bitlocker VBR
[-]   Volume State   : ENCRYPTED
[-]   Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
[-]   Encrypted Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
[-]   Algorithm      : AES-XTS-128
[+] Decrypting sectors
[-]   Processed data size : 512.00 MiBs (100%)
[+] Duration : 7535ms
[+] Closing Volume


bitlocker.fve disk=3 volume=1 fve_block=2
Signature             : -FVE-FS-
Size                  : 57
Version               : 2
Current State         : ENCRYPTED (4)
Next State            : ENCRYPTED (4)
Encrypted Size        : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Convert Size          : 0
Backup Sectors        : 16
FVE Block 1           : 0000000002100000
FVE Block 2           : 00000000059e4000
FVE Block 3           : 00000000092c8000
Backup Sectors Offset : 0000000002110000

FVE Metadata Header

Size                  : 840
Version               : 1
Header Size           : 48
Copy Size             : 840
Volume GUID           : {70a57ea3-9b98-4034-8b6a-645f731e2d1e}
Next Counter          : 10
Algorithm             : AES-XTS-128 (8004)
Timestamp             : 2020-02-26 16:39:17

FVE Metadata Entries (5)

| Id | Version | Size | Entry Type          | Value Type      | Value                                            |
| 1  | 1       | 72   | Drive Label         | Unicode         | String        : TWN NTFSDRIVE 26/02/2020         |
| 2  | 1       | 224  | VMK                 | VMK             | Key ID        : {2dd368f3-37d7-414f-94e6-3c5b86f |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 add50}                           |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Last Change   : 2020-02-26 16:40:00              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Protection    : Password                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1 - Stretch Key - 108                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Encryption    : STRETCH KEY                      |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : daea96439babc5d1e7f20c8860ff1ee9 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1.1 - AES-CCM - 80                     |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000002                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 1dfebdc79a966e72ca806d6a83d8c7ba |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : eb51a188df981b54f51698c76d76a8bb |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 d22afbbe27603ea6afc34c077726262e |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 5ba07482053d3c36fdecf80f         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #2 - AES-CCM - 80                       |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000003                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 175ec23cd799e2bde9d24bf3697919fe |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : b76281568419ec3bee89d1eddccf3169 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 59c466b6b392f40f0875e58168d868d7 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 0788bd366bec117b11a9fd6e         |
| 3  | 1       | 316  | VMK                 | VMK             | Key ID        : {19b4a3e2-94b3-452f-a614-6212fae |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 b1b9d}                           |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Last Change   : 2020-02-26 16:40:07              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Protection    : Recovery Password                |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1 - Stretch Key - 172                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Encryption    : STRETCH KEY                      |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : b9963d29e1bad1f42e60c3bfb6e3bef5 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1.1 - AES-CCM - 64                     |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000004                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 8064d679c7d8d1fa8ae548b0844882c7 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : 18d21021d40e3dc99d38c8dd84faed10 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 370c32095f4f63261ad8ec40         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1.2 - AES-CCM - 80                     |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000005                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 3d40f2b5fc0091b894b438763fcdf4cd |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : a0af0aeda32d977d26ac76f9fc429668 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 955d2a6a49fe4e2323751924e47e6c39 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 8c22f7fcd2d4272003cb7a4e         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #2 - AES-CCM - 80                       |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000006                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 3a06a06fdb044d850ecd6faf5cf2aec9 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : 97a43d40c695c6d190eba3956ac7c7b1 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 f5fdbbc7f9a61a77c914fa347479c7ac |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 6124ff46865e805367f7bef1         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #3 - Recovery Backup - 28               |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Location      : File                             |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Start         : 2022-04-03 12:52:50              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | End           : 2022-04-03 12:52:50              |
| 4  | 1       | 80   | FKEV                | AES-CCM         | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000008                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 2ff7d7f79920e3509fb8d20cb15b62c8 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : 097169b9a5c41420ed2353a4a4210763 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 a8833d1a4a88c6f7c0c45ec7c0959f25 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 2c8eac3f306e9fd1e693784a         |
| 5  | 1       | 100  | Volume Header Block | Offset and Size | Offset        : 0000000002110000                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Size          : 0000000000002000                 |


efs.backup disk=0 volume=4 password=123456
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Listing user directories
    8 directories found
[+] Searching for certificates
    - 8BB98DE9ED4DBDD09AA1FF467ED71F0F28ACF61B
[+] Finding corresponding private keys
    - 5f2870d8a6f1ef6487be2e1aee746fb5_bbc401c6-854a-4d12-9b65-8d52ca66cb6a
[+] Finding corresponding masterkeys
    - 9ac19509-54d3-48bc-8c67-4cfb01d73498
[+] Exporting 1 certificates and keys (pass: backup)
    - ef456e5b-43e4-4eda-a80b-e234611306d4 : Ok
      Exported to 8BB98DE9ED4DBDD09AA1FF467ED71F0F28ACF61B.pfx


efs.decrypt disk=0 volume=4 from=c:\cat.png pfx=z:\my_backup.pfx password=backup output=c:\socute.png
[+] Loading PKCS12 input file
[-] KeyID : 86598de9ed5dbdd00aa2ff467ed71f1f28acf61b
[-] Reading record: 13525
[+] Parsing $EFS streams
[-] 1 data decryption field(s) found
[+] Decrypting FEK
[-] FEK
    | Property      | Value                                                            |
    | Entropy       | 32                                                               |
    | Algorithm     | CALG_AES_256                                                     |
    | Key (256bits) | 5BBBB8A7F9DD9B9FFFDE9E62370254979F32A9CFFDDB74212A0C1AEECCD75B4A |
[+] Decrypting file
[-] Decrypted file written to c:\socute.png (1.94 MiB)


efs.certificate disk=0 volume=4
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Listing user directories
    8 directories found
[+] Searching for certificates
    8 certificate(s) found
[+] Certificates
    | Id | User  | File                                                | Certificate                                                    |
    |  0 | Bobby | Name     : 02728B6DF5573C5955A4DFF22319441C889C367B | Friendly Name : APNS certificate Direct                        |
    |    |       | Record   : 00000001d2d5h                            |                                                                |
    |    |       | Size     : 850.00 bytes                             |                                                                |
    |    |       |                                                     |                                                                |
    |    |       | Creation : 2019-05-11 15:59:29                      |                                                                |
    |  1 | Bobby | Name     : 14BB7663C51C77FF5CAD89B4DC34495864338C67 | Friendly Name : APNS certificate                               |
    |    |       | Record   : 00000000b5a4h                            |                                                                |
    |    |       | Size     : 824.00 bytes                             |                                                                |
    |    |       |                                                     |                                                                |
    |    |       | Creation : 2021-03-03 18:02:33                      |                                                                |
    |  2 | Bobby | Name     : 564481148D4DBDD09AA1FF467ED71F0F28ACF61B | Container     : ef456e5b-36e4-4eda-a80b-e234611306d4           |
    |    |       | Record   : 00000000ab23h                            | Provider      : Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0 |
    |    |       | Size     : 1.15 KiB                                 | Type          : PROV_RSA_FULL                                  |
    |    |       |                                                     | KeySpec       : AT_KEYEXCHANGE                                 |
    |    |       | Creation : 2020-08-17 13:20:03                      |                                                                |
efs.certificate disk=0 volume=4 inode=0xb5a4
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Reading certificate file record: 46500
[+] Certificate
    | Id | Property                            | Value                                                                         |
    |  0 | File                                | Creation : 2021-03-03 18:02:33                                                |
    |    |                                     | Size     : 824.00 bytes                                                       |
    |  1 | SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID                   | 14A67663C51C66FF5CAD89B4DC34495864338C67                                      |
    |  2 | FRIENDLY_NAME_PROP_ID               | APNS certificate                                                              |
    |  3 | KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_ID              | 82B87AE4F2251242252A2644D98169F34F909CA8                                      |
    |  4 | SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID | DB532C4794A15E5D0392C7C605FCBCA8                                              |
    |  5 | CERTIFICATE_FILE                    | Data:                                                                         |
    |    |                                     |     Version: 3 (0x2)                                                          |
    |    |                                     |     Serial Number:                                                            |
    |    |                                     |         01:20:cb:ab:28:8a:97:ee:99:cc                                         |
    |    |                                     |     Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption                                |
    |    |                                     |     Issuer: C=US, O=Apple Inc., OU=Apple iPhone, CN=Apple iPhone Device CA    |
    |    |                                     |     Validity                                                                  |
    |    |                                     |         Not Before: Mar  3 15:57:33 2021 GMT                                  |
    |    |                                     |         Not After : Mar  3 16:02:33 2022 GMT                                  |
    |    |                                     |     Subject: CN=1A6032AA-91A2-4B1D-B6AF-5509FC173686                          |
    |    |                                     |     Subject Public Key Info:                                                  |
    |    |                                     |         Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption                                   |
    |    |                                     |             RSA Public-Key: (1024 bit)                                        |
    |    |                                     |             Modulus:                                                          |
    |    |                                     |                 00:a2:75:db:69:8d:c9:b3:fd:96:4d:28:b9:43:94:                 |
    |    |                                     |                 db:7d:73:53:88:c9:79:e9:fa:de:e4:12:14:2c:de:                 |
    |    |                                     |                 a7:6b:d0:01:9e:dc:66:27:ef:2e:20:7e:e5:2a:42:                 |
    |    |                                     |                 9e:6f:85:9c:b6:8f:be:d3:05                                    |
    |    |                                     |             Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)                                         |
    |    |                                     |     X509v3 extensions:                                                        |
    |    |                                     |         X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:                                      |
    |    |                                     |             keyid:B2:FE:21:23:44:86:95:6A:79:D5:81:26:8E:73:10:D8:A7:4C:8E:74 |
    |    |                                     |         X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:                                        |
    |    |                                     |             82:B8:7A:E4:F2:25:12:42:25:2A:26:44:D9:81:69:F3:4F:90:9C:A8       |
    |    |                                     |         X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical                                    |
    |    |                                     |             CA:FALSE                                                          |
    |    |                                     |         X509v3 Key Usage: critical                                            |
    |    |                                     |             Digital Signature, Key Encipherment                               |
    |    |                                     |         X509v3 Extended Key Usage: critical                                   |
    |    |                                     |             TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication      |
    |    |                                     |         1.2.840.113635.                                            |
    |    |                                     |             ..                                                                |
    |    |                                     | Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption                                    |
    |    |                                     |      28:54:6c:d9:4e:97:f5:dd:1f:79:4a:6a:74:42:ad:6e:a1:11:                   |
    |    |                                     |      27:58:3b:d5:1e:c3:71:af:6b:bd:fe:5d:ad:4d:bd:82:fa:53:                   |
    |    |                                     |      ff:0c                                                                    |
efs.certificate disk=0 volume=4 inode=0xb5a4 output=mycert
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Reading certificate file record: 46500
[+] Certificate exported to mycert.pem


efs.key disk=0 volume=4
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}
[+] Listing user directories: 
    8 directories found
[+] Searching for keys
    9713 key(s) found
[+] Keys
| Id | User  | Keyfile                              | Name                                   | Creation Date       |
|  0 | User1 | Name   : 0004f7ed30db...017ee8d52ca6 | {15676EB3-D258-410F-85CB-9AB29E642CB3} | 2021-05-19 14:10:15 |
|    |       | Record : 0000000246c5h               |                                        |                     |
|    |       | Size   : 4.00 KiBs                   |                                        |                     |
|  1 | User1 | Name   : 0016875547ba...f7a9606b4177 | {BA4B66DC-8C1D-4FDF-A1EF-78B64411D1AD} | 2020-02-03 19:37:39 |
|    |       | Record : 000000019f19h               |                                        |                     |
|    |       | Size   : 4.00 KiBs                   |                                        |                     |
|  2 | User1 | Name   : 002a02ec680e...9a0a8d52ca67 | {3A3E1CF2-5AC2-4717-8006-D7C0F2936435} | 2019-06-26 15:50:50 |
efs.key disk=0 volume=4 inode=742107
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Reading key file record: 742107
[+] Key
| Id | Property             | Value                                                                                |
|  0 | File                 | Creation : 2021-09-23 22:16:43                                                       |
|    |                      | Size     : 4.00 KiBs                                                                 |
|  1 | Version              | 0                                                                                    |
|  2 | Name                 | ef456e5b-43e4-4eda-a80b-e234611306d4                                                 |
|  3 | Flags                | 00000000h                                                                            |
|  4 | PublicKey            | Magic       : 31415352h (RSA1)                                                       |
|    |                      | Size        : 2048                                                                   |
|    |                      | Exponent    : 65537                                                                  |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Permissions : CRYPT_ENCRYPT                                                          |
|    |                      |               CRYPT_DECRYPT                                                          |
|    |                      |               CRYPT_EXPORT                                                           |
|    |                      |               CRYPT_READ                                                             |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Modulus     : 96883F07FF78DA8354D037A94F897BD7                                       |
|    |                      |               FA77A3D04DD10D044761E65355B335B5                                       |
|  5 | Encrypted PrivateKey | Version           : 1                                                                |
|    |                      | Provider GUID     : {df9d8cd0-1501-11d1-8c7a-00c04fc297eb}                           |
|    |                      | MasterKey Version : 1                                                                |
|    |                      | MasterKey GUID    : {9ac19509-54d3-48bc-8c67-4cfb01d73498}                           |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Description       : Clé privée CryptoAPI                                             |
|    |                      | Flags             : 00000000h                                                        |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Encryption Alg    : CALG_AES_256                                                     |
|    |                      | Hash Alg          : CALG_SHA_512                                                     |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Salt              : ABABD5324CCE0254BC726C3BF5A777D38BC4D75CACC2360EF3276EB4DC42FF6A |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | HMAC              : -                                                                |
|    |                      | HMAC2             : D24F0B0AF684AE986F1328EAAFC01DA346D2BADE2B84CBE3C94CCB338D449EA6 |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Encrypted Data    : D7DAD9229C91DBC9608852A4411527D7                                 |
|    |                      |                     58DB27E19596DD118F2D70F68CC7913C                                 |
|    |                      |                     7870F6C68DA1B9139BF6E39725F4E72E                                 |
|    |                      |                     4EC435C947F127CA3E333CB5E2F43978                                 |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Signature Data    : 6077C027E6714A81C2710C5D334758F9AD463117DA4CBA8D0D05B5845A662E8F |
|    |                      |                     5E38DCCAB05DA5DD6C8328F5CF925F378F229790D30A2BCC91D5E3370AE50FED |
|  6 | Hash                 | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                             |
|  7 | ExportFlag           | Version           : 1                                                                |
|    |                      | Provider GUID     : {df9d8cd0-1501-11d1-8c7a-00c04fc297eb}                           |
|    |                      | MasterKey Version : 1                                                                |
|    |                      | MasterKey GUID    : {9ac19509-54d3-48bc-8c67-4cfb01d73498}                           |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Description       : Export Flag                                                      |
|    |                      | Flags             : 00000000h                                                        |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Encryption Alg    : CALG_AES_256                                                     |
|    |                      | Hash Alg          : CALG_SHA_512                                                     |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Salt              : 772935C3582F625367716CE87D9626A524F15B9B7FF07166BB2C704B1223CB06 |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | HMAC              : -                                                                |
|    |                      | HMAC2             : 3BCA74ED2C83767F06D9FF907817FE85FBA65FDB72A94E9D8F2C7CF1D8E7DCA2 |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Encrypted Data    : 875A6429226F11DFD3690D43BE633287                                 |
|    |                      |                                                                                      |
|    |                      | Signature Data    : FD97F69A214C37D0DA968B5AA18EE7C80D475F72F650C8DCAE887C97E850DCD6 |
|    |                      |                     9FA17D397A2375E362DE6F17193E3D084C06B0DCDB38E6C746150C1056145178 |
efs.key disk=0 volume=4 inode=742107 masterkey=34fac126105ce30...178c5bff4979eb
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Reading key file record: 742107
[-] Key
    Encryption Algorithm : CALG_AES_256
    Hash Algorithm       : CALG_SHA_512
    Salt                 : ABABD5324CCE0254BC726C33F5A777D38BC4D75CACC2360EF3276EB4DC42FF6A
[+] Decrypting key
[+] Key successfully decrypted
[+] Export flags         : 00000001 (ALLOW_EXPORT_FLAG)
[+] Clear key (2048bits) :
    | Id | Property         | Value                            |
    |  0 | Magic            | RSA2                             |
    |  1 | Bitsize          | 2048                             |
    |  2 | Exponent         | 65537                            |
    |  3 | Modulus          | 96883F07FF78DA8354D037A94F897BD7 |
    |    |                  | FA77A3D04DD10D044761E65355B335B5 |
    |  4 | Prime1           | C02F585644ED6326FF82368B0AD9ECD4 |
    |    |                  | 65F7DE6D173FEBEF95BE491FB222E07B |
    |  5 | Prime2           | C884376BBC50C2A14C495894FBF980DE |
    |    |                  | 6759E812B6385B9151EBED8DCD65238F |
    |  6 | Exponent1        | 0E33B17876918051427271EB667AE238 |
    |    |                  | 69349EF83ACE9B75D20004D155CDA3FF |
    |  7 | Exponent2        | 5BF265077E1EFA60C47E8DA423B751A4 |
    |    |                  | E7008F2EA5684A74E4BFEEFAAB48C979 |
    |  8 | Coefficient      | 7D68AA3844F096959C23BD59E4BE3147 |
    |    |                  | 592ABC1BEDEBA6F5B4BDE3D0F9BEF7C5 |
    |  9 | Private Exponent | 2462A061AD85A7C3B0DF7764CC5DDDFA |
    |    |                  | 40D83B3FBF0D9D016C419E6B6744AD73 |
    |    |                  | 47685BDEB0FABDC21AF5CABBA13D138D |
    |    |                  | F39FC063F1F20323E3220229E29FA42D |
efs.key disk=0 volume=4 inode=742107 masterkey=34...eb output=mykey
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Reading key file record: 742107
[-] Key
    Encryption Algorithm : CALG_AES_256
    Hash Algorithm       : CALG_SHA_512
    Salt                 : ABABD5324CCE0254BC726C33F5A777D38BC4D75CACC2360EF3276EB4DC42FF6A
[+] Decrypting key
[+] Key successfully decrypted
[+] Public key exported to	    
[+] Private key exported to mykey.priv.pem.	    


efs.masterkey disk=0 volume=4
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Listing user directories
    8 directories found
[+] Searching for keys
    19 key(s), 2 preferred file(s) found
[+] MasterKeys
    | Id | User           | Keyfile                                       | Key(s)                                               | Creation Date       |
    |  0 | DefaultAppPool | Name   : e4ed144f-6522-4471-8893-a6e29e175ba6 | MasterKey                                            | 2021-08-17 14:54:41 |
    |    |                | Record : 000000031848h                        |     Version : 2                                      |                     |
    |    |                | Size   : 468.00 bytes                         |     Algo    : CALG_SHA_512 - CALG_AES_256            |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     Salt    : FA737C82899CC3F61A3B332B15FDC241       |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     Rounds  : 8000                                   |                     |
    |    |                |                                               | BackupKey                                            |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     Version : 2                                      |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     Algo    : CALG_SHA_512 - CALG_AES_256            |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     Salt    : DF0651C903763132BC3043BF144A7DDD       |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     Rounds  : 8000                                   |                     |
    |    |                |                                               | CredHist                                             |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     Version : 3                                      |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     GUID    : {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} |                     |
    |  1 | DefaultAppPool | Name   : Preferred                            | Preferred                                            | 2021-08-17 14:54:41 |
    |    |                | Record : 00000003184ah                        |     GUID    : {e4ed144f-6522-4471-8893-a6e29e175ba6} |                     |
    |    |                | Size   : 24.00 bytes                          |     Renew   : 2021-11-15 12:54:41                    |                     |
    |  2 | Bob            | Name   : 26bd8b3d-e87f-4df3-a1af-18f434788090 | MasterKey                                            | 2021-03-05 01:16:42 |
    |    |                | Record : 000000004f4ah                        |     Version : 2                                      |                     |
    |    |                | Size   : 468.00 bytes                         |     Algo    : CALG_SHA_512 - CALG_AES_256            |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     Salt    : 39B575D1816DE8224B9E11C38E35EB34       |                     |
    |    |                |                                               |     Rounds  : 8000                                   |                     |
    |    |                |                                               | BackupKey                                            |                     |
efs.masterkey disk=0 volume=4 inode=0x80544
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Reading masterkey file record: 525636
[+] MasterKey
    | Id | Property  | Value                                             |
    |  0 | File      | Creation : 2020-07-06 05:56:06                    |
    |    |           | Size     : 468.00 bytes                           |
    |  1 | Version   | 2                                                 |
    |  2 | GUID      | 9ac19509-54d3-48bc-8c67-4cfb01d73498              |
    |  3 | Policy    | 00000005h                                         |
    |  4 | MasterKey | Version  : 2                                      |
    |    |           | Salt     : 3ED4CDBCC4073D6724A512061D0597E1       |
    |    |           | Rounds   : 8000                                   |
    |    |           | Hash Alg : CALG_SHA_512                           |
    |    |           | Enc Alg  : CALG_AES_256                           |
    |    |           | Enc Key  : 3610946FE1A7B9099D0AFA7658325014       |
    |    |           |            296D1F0E5BA93249858BE3ACCC8FD7A8       |
    |    |           |            F62DB6808833FC303095C6588BDE3826       |
    |    |           |            80ABF391222CD77661BCCB637DDAC490       |
    |    |           |            B5FC02C854EF45490EE10851EF524DE2       |
    |    |           |            85DD508F905216D528D3DC3336830FF9       |
    |    |           |            690472730A03D64CF892E06B9AA35692       |
    |    |           |            AB7679E908D487119030B73CB87E6F9F       |
    |    |           |            731F65609CB8ACA972BCC9042B27B9B4       |
    |  5 | BackupKey | Version  : 2                                      |
    |    |           | Salt     : B60E21F9578D02A97964D7B10151BE69       |
    |    |           | Rounds   : 8000                                   |
    |    |           | Hash Alg : CALG_SHA_512                           |
    |    |           | Enc Alg  : CALG_AES_256                           |
    |    |           | Enc Key  : CD5D3684873D6A1D66520FB1642779E1       |
    |    |           |            D78A649F02DDFE7C069F9B5F8FF9F005       |
    |    |           |            7DC01E0A6AA9A815C8887BC1BF5B88E6       |
    |    |           |            E797DC5F4A3A0535B3217BADC7FAD38E       |
    |    |           |            798C1846423C8631DE472D790B308B2D       |
    |    |           |            F15340B87FCD55A98DAEE92196235CF9       |
    |    |           |            B328FAF475C05A911DF19C99D54D5A3C       |
    |  6 | CredHist  | Version  : 3                                      |
    |    |           | GUID     : {20e0b482-797f-429e-b4a0-30020731ef0a} |
efs.masterkey disk=0 volume=4 inode=0x80544 sid="S-1-5-21-1521398...3175218-1001" password="ntfst00l"
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Reading masterkey file record: 525636
[-] Masterkey
    Encryption Algorithm : CALG_AES_256
    Hash Algorithm       : CALG_SHA_512
    Rounds               : 8000
    Salt                 : 3ED4CDBCC4073D6724A512061D0597E1
[+] Decrypting masterkey
[+] Clear masterkey (256bits):


reparse disk=0 volume=4
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Reading $Extend\$Reparse
[+] 104 entries found
| Id  | MFT Index | Filename                    | Type                        | Target/Data                      |
| 0   | 00000eb3  | debian.exe                  | AppExecLink                 | TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_ |
|     |           |                             |                             | 76v4gfsz19hv4                    |
|     |           |                             |                             |                                  |
|     |           |                             |                             | TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_ |
|     |           |                             |                             | 76v4gfsz19hv4!debian             |
|     |           |                             |                             |                                  |
|     |           |                             |                             | C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\The |
|     |           |                             |                             | DebianProject.DebianGNULinux_1.2 |
|     |           |                             |                             | .0.0_x64__76v4gfsz19hv4\debian.e |
|     |           |                             |                             | xe                               |
| 13  | 000007f9  | BaseLayer                   | Mount Point                 | \??\Volume{629458e4-0000-0000-00 |
|     |           |                             |                             | 00-010000000000}\                |
| 14  | 00013e24  | Watchdog                    | Mount Point                 | \??\C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corp |
|     |           |                             |                             | oration\NvContainer\Watchdog     |
| 102 | 00035861  | C2R64.dll                   | Symbolic Link               | \??\C:\Program Files\Common File |
|     |           |                             |                             | s\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\C2 |
|     |           |                             |                             | R64.dll                          |
| 103 | 000986b0  | All Users                   | Symbolic Link               | \??\C:\ProgramData               |


logfile.dump disk=4 volume=1 output=logfile.csv format=csv
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\
[+] Reading $LogFile record
[-]     $LogFile size : 4.14 MiBs
[+] Parsing $LogFile Restart Pages
[-]     Newest Restart Page LSN : 5274485
[-]     Volume marked as cleanly unmounted
[-]     Client found : [1] NTFS
[+] Parsing $LogFile Record Pages
[-]     $LogFile Record Page Count: 86
[+] Parsing $LogFile Records: 601
[+] Closing volume
Sample of logfile.csv


From dump : usn.analyze from=usn_dump rules=d:\rules.json output=d:\usn_analyze_results.csv format=csv
From running system : usn.analyze disk=4 volume=1 rules=d:\rules.json output=d:\usn_analyze_results.csv format=csv
[+] Loading rules from: d:\rules.json
[-] 4 rules loaded
[+] Creating d:\usn_analyze_results.csv
[-] Mode: fast
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{498eed94-0000-0000-007e-000000000000}\
[+] Searching for $Extend\$UsnJrnl
[-] Found in file record: 116
[-] $J stream size: 31.70 KiBs (could be sparse)
[+] Processing USN records: 192 (31.70 KiBs) - 9 matches
[+] Closing volume
[+] Summary:
    | Index | Category      |               Value |      % |
    | 0     | file creation |                 125 |  65.10 |
    | 1     | file deletion |                   0 |   0.00 |
    | 2     | file rename   |                   8 |   4.17 |
    | 3     | latest        | 2022-03-28 23:23:12 |        |
    | 4     | oldest        | 2022-03-28 13:20:08 |        |
    | 5     | records count |                 192 | 100.00 |
[+] Rules results:
    | Index | Rule ID           | Count |    % |
    | 0     | executable-create |     9 | 4.69 |
    | 1     | ccleaner          |     2 | 1.04 |
    | 2     | lsass-dump        |     1 | 0.52 |


usn.dump disk=4 volume=1 output=usn.csv format=csv
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] Finding $Extend\$UsnJrnl record
[+] Found in file record: 88008
[+] $J stream size: 60.24 GiBs (could be sparse)
[+] Creating d:\mft_c.csv
[+] Loading $MFT records
[+] Processing $MFT records: 1.37 GiB
[+] 1436928 record loaded
[+] Processing entry: 322667 (34.12 MiBs)
[+] Closing volume
Sample of usn.csv
2,0,53,4,5,5,0,2020-02-26 21:43:36,FILE_CREATE,0,0,DIRECTORY,volume:\Nouveau dossier
2,0,53,4,5,5,96,2020-02-26 21:43:36,FILE_CREATE+CLOSE,0,0,DIRECTORY,volume:\Nouveau dossier
2,0,53,4,5,5,192,2020-02-26 21:43:38,RENAME_OLD_NAME,0,0,DIRECTORY,volume:\Nouveau dossier
2,0,53,4,5,5,288,2020-02-26 21:43:38,RENAME_NEW_NAME,0,0,DIRECTORY,volume:\test
2,0,53,4,5,5,360,2020-02-26 21:43:38,RENAME_NEW_NAME+CLOSE,0,0,DIRECTORY,volume:\test
2,0,53,4,5,5,432,2020-02-26 21:43:39,OBJECT_ID_CHANGE,0,0,DIRECTORY,volume:\test
2,0,53,4,5,5,504,2020-02-26 21:43:39,OBJECT_ID_CHANGE+CLOSE,0,0,DIRECTORY,volume:\test
2,0,54,2,53,4,576,2020-02-26 21:43:41,FILE_CREATE,0,0,ARCHIVE,volume:\test\Nouveau document texte.txt


shadow disk=0 volume=4
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[+] VSS header found at 0x1e00

| SetID/ID                               | Count | Date                | Details                                |
| {857c9ac4-ee4f-4bc6-b822-59e935a7120f} | 1     | 2020-09-21 00:15:38 | Service Machine    : WORK-PC10         |
|                                        |       |                     | Originating Machine: WORK-PC10         |
| {3d102db1-8de2-4e7d-8ba5-e0dd4f67740d} |       |                     | State              : Created           |
|                                        |       |                     | Flags              : 0x0042000d        |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - Persistent        |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - Client Accessible |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - No Auto Release   |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - Differential      |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - Auto Recover      |
| {83bc8af4-8802-4466-ae38-717f6474616a} | 1     | 2020-09-22 06:10:00 | Service Machine    : WORK-PC10         |
|                                        |       |                     | Originating Machine: WORK-PC10         |
| {e668c329-66a2-4ebd-beef-3c6bca81cbf7} |       |                     | State              : Created           |
|                                        |       |                     | Flags              : 0x0042000d        |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - Persistent        |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - Client Accessible |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - No Auto Release   |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - Differential      |
|                                        |       |                     |                    - Auto Recover      |


streams disk=0 volume=4 from=c:\test.pdf
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[-] Source      : c:\test.pdf
[-] Record Num  : 13525 (000034d5h)
[+] Alternate data stream(s):
    | Id | Name            | Size |
    |  0 | Zone.Identifier |   27 |


undelete disk=4 volume=1
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\
[+] Reading $MFT record
[+] $MFT size : 256.00 KiBs (~256 records)
[+] Reading $BITMAP record
[+] $BITMAP size : 16.00 KiBs
[+] Searching deleted files
[+] Processed data size : 262144 (100%)
[+] Duration : 7ms

Deleted Files Found

| Id | MFT Index | Flag | Filename                          | Size        | Deletion Date       | % Recoverable |
| 0  | 00000029  |      | .\$RECYCLE.BIN\[...]\$RAV85W4.jpg | 5.10 KiBs   | 2020-02-26 21:29:03 | 100.00        |
| 1  | 00000035  |      | .\$RECYCLE.BIN\[...]\$IAV85W4.jpg | 58.00 bytes | 2020-02-26 21:29:03 | 100.00        |
undelete disk=2 volume=1 format=csv output=mydeletedfiles.csv
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{498eed94-0000-0000-007e-000000000000}\
[-] $MFT size     :34.00 MiBs (~34816 records)
[-] $BITMAP size  :14.32 MiBs
[+] Searching deleted files
[-] Processed data: 35651584 (100%)
[-] Duration      : 425ms
[+] Deleted files : 127
[+] Writing results to mydeletedfiles.csv (csv) file
[+] Done
undelete disk=4 volume=1 inode=41 output=restored_kitten.jpg
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\
[+] Reading file record : 41
[+] Extracting $RAV85W4.jpg to restored_kitten.jpg
[+] 5219 bytes written


shell disk=4 volume=1
disk4:volume1:> ls

Inode | Type | Name                      | Size      | Creation Date       | Attributes
    4 |      | $AttrDef                  |      2560 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    8 |      | $BadClus                  |         0 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
      | ADS  |   $Bad                    | 536866816 |                     |
    6 |      | $Bitmap                   |     16384 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    7 |      | $Boot                     |      8192 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
   11 | DIR  | $Extend                   |           | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    2 |      | $LogFile                  |   4341760 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    0 |      | $MFT                      |    262144 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    1 |      | $MFTMirr                  |      4096 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
   50 | DIR  | $RECYCLE.BIN              |           | 2020-02-26 16:40:34 | Hi Sy
    9 |      | $Secure                   |         0 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
      | ADS  |   $SDS                    |    264200 |                     |
   10 |      | $UpCase                   |    131072 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
      | ADS  |   $Info                   |        32 |                     |
    3 |      | $Volume                   |         0 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    5 | DIR  | .                         |           | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
85010 |      | 7z1900-x64.exe            |   1447178 | 2020-07-29 17:19:49 | Ar
      | ADS  |   Zone.Identifier         |       123 |                     | 
   42 |      | hello.txt                 |         5 | 2020-02-26 21:27:33 | Ar
   39 |      | kitten1.jpg               |     23486 | 2020-02-26 16:37:23 | Ar
      | ADS  |   Zone.Identifier         |       154 |                     |
   40 |      | kitten2.jpg               |     79678 | 2020-02-26 16:37:55 | Ar
      | ADS  |   Zone.Identifier         |       303 |                     |
   41 |      | kitten3.jpg               |      5219 | 2020-02-26 16:38:16 | Ar
      | ADS  |   Zone.Identifier         |       262 |                     |
   36 | DIR  | System Volume Information |           | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy

disk4:volume1:> pwd
disk4:volume1:> cat hello.txt
Hey !
disk4:volume1:> cat 7z1900-x64.exe:Zone.Identifier

disk4:volume1:> cp kitten3.jpg z:\custestkitten.jpg
1 file copied
disk4:volume1:> exit


smart disk=1
Version          : 1 revision 1
Type             : SATA/IDE Master on primary channel
Capabilities     : ATA, ATAPI, S.M.A.R.T

Status           : Passed

-- Device ID
| Property                                               | Value                                    |
| General Configuration                                  | 0040h                                    |
| Number of Cylinders                                    | 16383                                    |
| Reserved                                               | c837h                                    |
| Number Of Heads                                        | 16                                       |
| Bytes Per Track                                        | 0                                        |
| Bytes Per Sector                                       | 0                                        |
| Sectors Per Track                                      | 63                                       |
| Vendor Unique                                          |                                          |
| Seria Number                                           | S2RBNX0H606448W                          |
| Buffer Type                                            | 0                                        |
| Buffer Size                                            | 0                                        |
| ECC Size                                               | 0                                        |
| Firmware Revision                                      | EMT02B6Q                                 |
| Model Number                                           | Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB                |
| Maximum Number of Sectors On R/W                       | 32769                                    |
| Double Word IO                                         | 16385                                    |
| Capabilities                                           | Reserved                 : 0000h         |
|                                                        | DMA Support              : True          |
|                                                        | LBA Support              : True          |
|                                                        | DisIORDY                 : True          |
|                                                        | IORDY                    : True          |
|                                                        | Requires ATA soft start  : False         |
|                                                        | Overlap Operation support: True          |
|                                                        | Command Queue Support    : False         |
|                                                        | Interleaved DMA Support  : False         |
| Reserved1                                              | 4000h                                    |
| PIO Timing                                             | 512                                      |
| DMA Timing                                             | 512                                      |
| Field Validity                                         | CHS Number               : True          |
|                                                        | Cycle Number             : True          |
|                                                        | Ultra DMA                : True          |
| Current numbers of cylinders                           | 16383                                    |
| Current numbers of heads                               | 16                                       |
| Current numbers of sectors per track                   | 63                                       |
| Multiple Sector Setting                                | 16514064                                 |
| Total Number of Sectors Addressable (LBA)              | 268435455                                |
| Singleword DMA Transfer Support                        | 0                                        |
| Multiword DMA Transfer Support                         | Mode 0 (4.17Mb/s)                        |
|                                                        | Mode 1 (13.3Mb/s)                        |
|                                                        | Mode 2 (16.7Mb/s)                        |
| Advanced PIO Modes                                     | 0003h                                    |
| Minimum Multiword DMA Transfer Cycle Time per Word     | 120                                      |
| Recommended Multiword DMA Transfer Cycle Time per Word | 120                                      |
| Minimum PIO Transfer Cycle Time (No Flow Control)      | 120                                      |
| Minimum PIO Transfer Cycle Time (Flow Control)         | 120                                      |
| ATA Support                                            | ATA-2                                    |
|                                                        | ATA-3                                    |
|                                                        | ATA-4                                    |
|                                                        | ATA/ATAPI-5                              |
|                                                        | ATA/ATAPI-6                              |
|                                                        | ATA/ATAPI-7                              |
|                                                        | ATA/ATAPI-8                              |
|                                                        | ATA/ATAPI-9                              |
| Ultra DMA Transfer Support                             | Mode 0 (16.7MB/s)                        |
|                                                        | Mode 1 (25.0MB/s)                        |
|                                                        | Mode 2 (33.3MB/s)                        |
|                                                        | Mode 3 (44.4MB/s)                        |
|                                                        | Mode 4 (66.7MB/s)                        |
|                                                        | Mode 5 (100.0MB/s) (selected)            |
|                                                        | Mode 6 (133.0MB/s)                       |

-- Attributes
| Index | Name                                         | Flags | Raw           | Value | Worst | Threshold | Status |
|   05h | Reallocated Sector Count                     | 0033h | 000000000000h |   100 |   100 |        10 |     Ok |
|   09h | Power-On Hours Count                         | 0032h | 000000008d54h |    92 |    92 |         0 |     Ok |
|   0ch | Power Cycle Count                            | 0032h | 0000000000f5h |    99 |    99 |         0 |     Ok |
|   b1h | Wear Range Delta                             | 0013h | 00000000005eh |    95 |    95 |         0 |     Ok |
|   b3h | Used Reserved Block Count (Total)            | 0013h | 000000000000h |   100 |   100 |        10 |     Ok |
|   b5h | Program Fail Count Total                     | 0032h | 000000000000h |   100 |   100 |        10 |     Ok |
|   b6h | Erase Fail Count                             | 0032h | 000000000000h |   100 |   100 |        10 |     Ok |
|   b7h | Sata Down Shift Error Count                  | 0013h | 000000000000h |   100 |   100 |        10 |     Ok |
|   bbh | Reported Uncorrectable Errors                | 0032h | 000000000000h |   100 |   100 |         0 |     Ok |
|   beh | Temperature Difference From 100              | 0032h | 000000000020h |    68 |    50 |         0 |     Ok |
|   c3h | Hardware Ecc Recovered                       | 001ah | 000000000000h |   200 |   200 |         0 |     Ok |
|   c7h | Udma Crc Error Rate                          | 003eh | 000000000000h |   100 |   100 |         0 |     Ok |
|   ebh | Good Block Count And System Free Block Count | 0012h | 000000000071h |    99 |    99 |         0 |     Ok |
|   f1h | Lifetime Writes From Host Gib                | 0032h | 00154bf298c9h |    99 |    99 |         0 |     Ok |