An application to easily share small files across devices directly with minimal interaction with a server. I use drive too much to share files between my phone and PC to share files for printing or something. Hopefully this helps with that.
It's P2P so your data isn't passing through a server (I guess)
- Create Repo
- Make a good Readme
- Create Backend with Golang
- Go through basics of Go
- Learn about WebRTC
- Implement Signalling server using websockets in Go
- Create necessary endpoints
- Added necessary security
- Create random connection ID or user-given ID as endpoints
- Make sure everything is working fine
- Find a hosting platform for the backend to run (preferably free) (heroku)
- Work on Frontend using ReactJS
- Use Material design
- Implement night mode
- Create reuqired links to endpoint APIs of backend
- Implement WebRTC
- Make upload portal
- Make download portal
- Create page for Unique ID Creation
- Textbox to copy the generated links
- Link sharing with QR code scanner
- Make sure everything is working
- Make sure UI is good
- Host the website (heroku)
- Work on Android App with Android Studio
- Make sure Android app can work with your backend
- Use Material design
- Make activity to create link and connect to other device for sharing
- Make Upload portal activity
- Make download portal activity
- Provision sharing options
- Add QR code generator and scanner for the links
- Add additional encryption to the files being shared.
- Clean up the code
- Add a lot of USEFUL comments