The website is made using ReactJs framework and displays the sensor data stored in Firebase and can filter through the data
Since only admins can add new users, to check out the app or website use: [email protected] 12345678
npm i
npm start
npm build
git checkout main
Edit first line of package.json
"homepage": "https://{igithub-id}{repo-name}",
"name": "envmon-website",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
git checkout Docker
Run from directory which has the Dockerfile
docker build -t {your_dockerhub_id}/{image_name}:{image_tag (ex: alpine)} .
To run the container run
docker run -it -p {any_port}:80 {your_dockerhub_id/{image_name}:{image_tag (ex: alpine)}