The ODI's member directory frontend application.
This code is open source under the MIT license. See the file for full details.
You need to set various environment variables. Copy env.example to .env and edit to fit your purposes.
We're using Google's OAuth2 service to authenticate admin users. You need to have an email address in order to gain access.
Locally, you will need to set the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
environment variables. The details of which can be obtained from
See for more details.
If you want to test email, you can run mailcatcher
before you start the
app in development mode. Mail will then be delivered to a preview window
running at http://localhost:1080.
The tests are made up of Cucumber features and RSpec specs.
You can run everything at once using bundle exec rake
Or, you can run each suite individually with bundle exec cucumber
or bundle exec rspec
In order to run this in a production-alike Vagrant instance, you will first
need to place the chef-validator.pem
file into .chef/
, then you can
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd members/
bundle --without production
rake db:migrate
rails server
then point your browser at
This all presumes you have VirtualBox installed, of course.
Social Media icons courtesy of Other icons use FontAwesome: