- Devloped by: Brett McWilliams
- ProcessFlow is an add-on to the existing OSH(http://opensensorhub.org/page/homepage) architecture that attempts to visualize process chains currently existing in XML format. This will be and adjuvant to the XML editor(
- ThreeJS (http://threejs.com)
- jQuery (https://jquery.com)
- underscore (http://underscorejs.org)
Pull the entire branch and run through the server of your choice. Mine was tested with NodeJS... Or, see example (https://themcwilly.github.io).
MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
- Initial Commit: Setting up the process flow diagram using ThreeJS
- Graphing class created
- Attempt at automatic organization using directed graphs
- Link class added as well as event handlers to monitor all movement