A collection of classes used for affine geometry. This currently consists of the following classes:
- Point2D
- Vector2D
- Matrix2D
npm install kld-affine
The following sections indicate how you can import the code for use in various environments.
import {Point2D, Vector2D, Matrix2D} = require("kld-affine");
import {Point2D, Vector2D, Matrix2D} from './node_modules/kld-affine/dist/index-esm.js';
<script src="./node_modules/kld-affine/dist/index-umd.js"></script>
var Point2D = KldAffine.Point2D;
var Vector2D = KldAffine.Vector2D;
var Matrix2D = KldAffine.Matrix2D;
import {Point2D, Vector2D, Matrix2D} from "kld-affine";
A class used to represent two-dimensional points on a plane. This currently supports the following methods:
- clone
- add
- subtract
- multiply
- divide
- equals
- precisionEquals
- lerp
- distanceFrom
- min
- max
- transform
- toString
A class used to represent a two-dimensional vector. This currently supports the following methods:
- Vector2D.fromPoints
- length
- magnitude
- dot
- cross
- determinant
- unit
- add
- subtract
- multiply
- divide
- angleBetween
- perp
- perpendicular
- project
- transform
- equals
- precisionEquals
- toString
A class used to represent affine transformations. This current supports the following methods:
- Matrix2D.translation
- Matrix2D.scaling
- Matrix2D.scalingAt
- Matrix2D.nonUniformScaling
- Matrix2D.nonUniformScalingAt
- Matrix2D.rotation
- Matrix2D.rotationAt
- Matrix2D.rotationFromVector
- Matrix2D.xFlip
- Matrix2D.yFlip
- Matrix2D.xSkew
- Matrix2D.ySkew
- multiply
- inverse
- translate
- scale
- scaleAt
- scaleNonUniform
- scaleNonUniformAt
- rotate
- rotateAt
- rotateFromVector
- flipX
- flipY
- skewX
- skewY
- isIdentity
- isInvertible
- getScale
- getDecomposition
- equals
- precisionEquals
- toString