a simple golang api that provides information about super heroes
make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed
in the root of the proyect, execute docker-compose up and compose will carry all the hard work to activate the app
make sure you have minikube and kubernetes already installed
execute the following steps
create the docker image for the api with: docker build -t superheroe-golang-api -f Dockerfile .
generate all the kubernetes resources running: kubectl apply -f k8s/
the resources created by the previous command generate the following k8s resources:
1 deployment with 1 POD and 1 replicaset.
1 service that allows the comunication with the POD.
1 configmap for passing enviornment variables.
1 ingress to expose the APi outside the k8s cluster and a nginx-ingress-controller for supporting the ingress.
run minikube service ingress-nginx-controller --url -n ingress-nginx to see the ip and port generated to interact with the API