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To start the Backstage app with Postgres via docker compose, run:

docker-compose up
yarn install
yarn dev

Running with simulation

We're using the Auth0 Simulator for local development.

It's automatically started by yarn dev.

Keep an eye for user information in the log output.

Log output with user information

Running with production config

Running with simulation should be used in most situations. However, there are times where using the production config is necessary to debug, e.g. specific Auth0 configuration issues.

With access to the Frontside 1Password vault and the 1Password CLI, you may inject the secrets into a .gitignored config file and use the yarn dev:config command to pick up these values.

op inject -i app-config.1password.yaml.tpl -o app-config-credentials.yaml

Running in minikube


yarn install
yarn tsc
yarn build
yarn build-image --tag backstage:$TAG

minikube start
eval $(minikube docker-env)
minikube image load backstage:$TAG

# TODO - need to modify the charts so that the following steps are automated but for now please do the following:
* 💥 comment out ./backstate/templates/certificate.yaml
* 💥 move ./backstage/templates/secrets.yaml to another directory
* 💥 comment out `volumeMounts` and `volumes`
* 💥 modify container command to exclude `app-config.production.yaml`


helm upgrade --install min-postgres-chart ./charts/postgres \
  -f ./charts/postgres/Values.yaml \
  --set postgresUsername=$PG \
  --set postgresPassword=$PG

POSTGRES_SERVICE_PORT=5432 POSTGRES_USER=$PG POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$PG helm upgrade --install min-backstage-chart ./charts/backstage \
  -f ./charts/backstage/Values.yaml \
  --set backstageImage=backstage:$TAG \
  --set baseUrl=http://localhost:7007

kubectl port-forward svc/backstage 7007:80