This is a development project for a restaurant KPI dashboard. Current features include:
- Generating simulated sales data for analytics pipeline development based on:
- pre-programmed menu and location lists
- regional and seasonal trends
- day-of-week fluctuations
- Visualizing sales data in an interactive Dash web app
- Python - version 3.11.4
- Pandas
- Plotly
- Pyarrow
- Dash
- Interactive dashboard for visualizing sales data
- Data pipeline for generating synthetic sales data
- Data pipeline for converting CSV data to Parquet format using brotli compression for storage efficiency
- Dockerfile for containerizing the app
- Each chart should be able to be clicked / highlighted, and when clicked, the underlying data table at the bottom should filter to show only the data that corresponds to the clicked chart
Southeast,Atlanta,2023-01-01,starters,Charcuterie Board,2,44
Southeast,Atlanta,2023-01-01,starters,Charcuterie Board,1,22
Southeast,Atlanta,2023-01-01,starters,Spinach & Artichoke Dip,2,18
Southeast,Atlanta,2023-01-01,starters,Spinach & Artichoke Dip,3,27
Southeast,Atlanta,2023-01-01,starters,Baked Brie,5,70
Southeast,Atlanta,2023-01-01,starters,Fried Pickles,5,40
Southeast,Atlanta,2023-01-01,starters,Baked Brie,5,70
Southeast,Atlanta,2023-01-01,starters,Spinach & Artichoke Dip,3,27
Southeast,Atlanta,2023-01-01,starters,Baked Brie,2,28
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 7079822 entries, 0 to 7079821
Data columns (total 7 columns):
# Column Dtype
--- ------ -----
0 region object
1 location object
2 date object
3 category object
4 menu_item object
5 quantity_sold int64
6 net_sales int64
dtypes: int64(2), object(5)
memory usage: 378.1+ MB
- 2023-01-01 to 2023-12-31
- about 7,000,000
- 15-20
- total quantity_sold and net_sales for each menu_item per location per day for 2023
- Total net sales org-wide (a single metric at the top)
- 4 charts in a grid layout:
- Total net sales per region
- Total net sales per location
- Total net sales per category
- Top 25 menu items org-wide by total net sales (data table)
- slicers for:
- region
- location
- date range (start and end date)
- menu category
- menu item
- if no slicers are selected, the dashboard will show the full data
- Python 3.11+
git clone
cd restaurant_sales_dashboard
python3.11 -m venv {VENV_NAME}
source {VENV_NAME}/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a .env file in the root of your project and define the following:
- If you want to edit the menu or locations lists, you can do so in the
file - Then, to generate new synthetic data, run the following:
python data_pipeline/
- This creates a CSV file in the
defined in your .env file
python data_pipeline/
- This converts the CSV file to a parquet file and saves it in the
defined in your .env file
python dash_app/
Visit in your browser.