This is a Saito Module that runs an open source Twitter-style service over the Saito network. All posts and interactions with the blockchain will be in the form of transactions which can be cryptographically-signed and distributed over the blockchain or peer-to-peer as needs demand.
This will create a version of Twitter without the need for any central servers. In a worst-case scenario, users can store content themselves and distribute it to their own peers on connect, allowing the entire network to run like a gossip protocol.
We are a long way from being complete. Right now this module just displays a quick interface, and hooks into the default Saito Header and Saito Chat. The next steps are to simplify the interface and move towards having a MVP: creating something that we enjoy using and building as a community.
If you would like to get involved in making this module a reality, please reach out. We could use help from anyone who has experience with HTML, CSS or JS and wants to help out.
See live :
Feel free to make pull a request to contribuate to this project.
- @theejkb
- @trevelyan