Releases: thebookisclosed/Comet
Releases · thebookisclosed/Comet
Version 2019.5.1.1000
Cleaning up now shows a text percentage for the current category while the progress bar reflects the entire cleanup progress
Certain functions now respect S_FALSE as an okay return value -- the Windows Update cleanup handlers return this instead of S_OK and were mistakenly invisible in past few releases due to this
Version 2019.4.19.1001
Main cleanup window now changes category list height instead of description box height on resize
Version 2019.4.19.1000
Fixed the issue where some categories would seem to process fine but no files would get deleted
Drew a new icon
Renamed the assembly from Comet to mdiskclean
Version 2019.4.15.1004
The initial public release of Comet (Managed Disk Cleanup)