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@benloh benloh released this 28 Jun 21:48
· 293 commits to master since this release

Version 1.0.0-beta

Date Released: 11/04/2019

Branch: dev

This is a feature-complete beta candidate for a 1.0 release for the November 18th Rutgers study.

It includes approximately 30 major (and minor) systems:

  • An SVG-based boxes and lines model renderer that automatically lays out objects, supports drag and drop, handles parent-child relationships, and can be zoomed and panned.
  • React-based model data controller, including:
    • An interface for creating, modifying, and deleting Components and Properties
    • An interface for creating, modifying, and deleting Mechanisms
    • An interface for creating, modifying, and deleting Evidence
    • An interface for marking the quality of Evidence
  • An interactive model objects list
  • A screen capture system that allows students to upload and attach images to their evidence.
  • A resource viewer that displays simulation, pdf, and other web content in an iframe and allows students to create evidence from it.
  • A resource browser that lists available resources and evidence objects created for each resource.
  • An evidence badge system that can display and link to evidence attached to components, properties, and mechanisms.
  • A flexible networked comment system that allows teachers, students, and their peers to comment on a variety of model objects, including components/properties, mechanisms, evidence, and the model itself. It is also used for adding notes on Resources.
  • A display system to show descriptions saved with components, properties and mechanisms.
  • A network data architecture that supports multiple simultaneous users logged in on different network devices to manipulate a shared model, with live updates as the model changes.
  • A user login and management system using tokens for easy login by both students and teachers.
  • A model management system for users to view and select their own models.
  • A view-only mode where users can view and manipulate models and add comments, but not otherwise change a model.
  • A help system that displays a general help dialog for students.
  • A networked administration interface for multiple teachers and administrators with separate interfaces to set up:
    • teachers accounts
    • classrooms and model viewing settings
    • define student groups
    • define student logs
    • customize ratings per classroom
    • customize criteria per classroom
    • customize sentence starters per classroom
    • customize resources available to each classroom
  • A customizable research logging system that allows researchers to flexibly define the output of student actions for research purposes.
  • A networked database server for handling multiple simultaneous users working on the same model.
  • A communication system (URSYS) for handling messages and maintaining data both between client-side components as well as with the server database.
  • A build system for producing standalone Electron applications.
  • A scripting system for starting, packaging, building, and selecting different combinations of database data and server startup.